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Nursing capstone projects allow nursing students to demonstrate their knowledge and skills attained throughout their nursing program. These projects involve conducting an original nursing research study on a topic of relevance to nursing practice, education, administration or theory. There are a variety of research methods that can be utilized in nursing capstone projects, with the appropriate method depending on the nature and purpose of the research study. Some of the most common research methods used include:

Quantitative Research Methods:

Descriptive research designs: These aim to objectively describe phenomena through collecting numerical data. They do not involve manipulating variables. Common descriptive designs include survey research, observational studies, case studies, and record reviews. Survey research involving questionnaires or structured interviews is very common in nursing capstone projects to collect data on topics such as patient/staff experiences, attitudes, beliefs and behaviors.

Correlational research designs: These aim to discover relationships between variables through statistical analysis without manipulating variables. They may examine how two variables such as patient characteristics and health outcomes are related. Correlation does not imply causation.

Experimental research designs: These aim to determine cause-and-effect relationships through manipulating an independent variable and measuring its effect on a dependent variable. Randomized controlled trials and non-randomized control group pre-test/post-test designs are examples. Experimental designs are less common in capstone projects due to ethical and feasibility issues related to intentionally manipulating patient care.

Statistical analysis: Quantitative data collected through descriptive, correlational or experimental designs is typically analyzed through descriptive and inferential statistical tests using software like SPSS. Common analytic strategies include frequencies, measures of central tendency, hypothesis testing through t-tests, ANOVA, chi-square, correlation, and regression.

Qualitative Research Methods:

Phenomenological research: Aims to describe the essence of a lived experience around a phenomenon for several individuals. Often involves in-depth interviews to collect detailed descriptions which are then analyzed for themes. Focuses on understanding subjective experience rather than objective measurement.

Grounded theory research: Focuses on building theory through constant comparative analysis of qualitative data as it relates to categories and their properties. The goal is to generate a conceptual framework or theory to explain processes related to the topic. Data collection may involve interviews and observations coded and analyzed for emerging categories.

Ethnographic research: Focuses on understanding cultural behaviors, beliefs and interactions of a whole group who share some common trait, typically studied through extensive fieldwork over time using observation, interviewing and immersion. Less common in capstone due to time and resource demands.

Narrative research: Aims to explore life experiences through stories told by individuals in interviews or documents. Data analysis involves restorying the narrative to investigate the meaning individuals ascribe to their experience. Stories are interpreted for the researcher’s understanding rather than presenting an objective facts.

Content analysis: A research method for analyzing textual data through objective coding and categorizing patterns or themes within the content. Can be used to systematically evaluate written, electronic or visual communication data. Both qualitative and quantitative content analysis approaches exist.

Mixed Methods Research:

Convergent parallel mixed methods design: Collects quantitative and qualitative data simultaneously, analyzes separately, then mixes by comparing and contrasting results. Allows for a more comprehensive understanding through triangulation of findings.

Explanatory sequential mixed methods design: Collects quantitative data first, analyzes, then builds on results with in-depth qualitative follow up to help explain initial results. Gives voice to numeric outcomes.

Embedded mixed methods design: Collects both types of data within a predominant quantitative or qualitative design. Quantitative data used to support qualitative themes or vice versa for completeness.

Multi-phase mixed methods design: Involves collecting multiple forms of data using different designs over an extended timeframe in distinct phases, such as pilot and intervention/outcome testing.

To summarise, nursing students have a variety of robust research approaches and analytical techniques available to conduct rigorous nursing capstone research projects exploring topics relevant to evidence-based practice. Both quantitative and qualitative methods are commonly used, often in mixed designs, depending on the best fits with the research question, objectives, resources and intended outcomes of the study. Choosing the right method is vital for high quality nursing research.


Nursing is a dynamic and diverse field, so there are many potential options for nursing capstone projects. Some ideas that nursing students may want to consider include:

Conducting a needs assessment of a community: Students could partner with a local community organization or underserved population to assess their healthcare needs. This may involve conducting interviews, surveys, and focus groups to determine barriers to care, health education needs, or gaps in available services. From there, students could propose recommendations or initiatives to address identified needs. This type of project helps develop skills in community assessment, program planning, and health promotion.

Implementing and evaluating an evidence-based practice change: Students identify an area for improvement within a clinical setting, research best practices, develop and implement a protocol or procedure change based on evidence, and evaluate its impact. For example, a student may implement a fall prevention protocol on a medical unit and track fall rates before and after to assess effectiveness. This allows students to gain experience leading practice changes and quality improvement efforts.

Creating an educational program or materials: Developing and presenting an educational workshop, course, or patient/community materials on a selected health topic. Example topics could include chronic disease self-management, nutrition education, medication adherence, women’s health issues, etc. Students demonstrate teaching and health communication skills. Evaluation involves obtaining participant feedback and assessing knowledge gained.

Conducting a research study: Carrying out a small scale quantitative, qualitative, or mixed methods research project on a nursing or patient care topic of their choosing. This involves developing a proposal, obtaining necessary approvals, collecting and analyzing data, and disseminating results. Common nursing research topics may include compassion fatigue in nurses, patient satisfaction with different discharge teaching methods, telephone follow-up care and its impact on recovery, and more. Students gain valuable research experience.

Developing a health/wellness program proposal: Create a proposal and implementation plan for a new health/wellness initiative within their clinical setting or community. Programs could address areas like stress management for nurses, chronic disease self-management courses, employee wellness programs at hospitals, youth mental health promotion, and more. The proposal should include needs assessment data, goal/outcomes, logistics, budget, and sustainability planning.

Creating an educational toolkit or database: Develop online or print resources to provide education and support around a certain health topic or condition. This could include compiling relevant research, creating easy-to-understand written materials and visuals, and organizing the information into a accessible format like a website or database that clinicians or patients could reference. Examples may cover postpartum depression screening, diabetes foot care, medication adherence for older adults, and more.

Simulation and debriefing experience: Plan, implement, and evaluate a simulation experience for other nursing students involving a complex patient case. Develop the scenario, oversee the simulation, and facilitate a recorded reflective group debriefing session afterwards. The focus is on demonstrating competency in simulation pedagogy, complex clinical reasoning, and group facilitation skills. Feedback is obtained from participants.

Policy brief or proposal: Research a nursing or healthcare policy issue, analyze stakeholders and implications, and develop a 3-5 page policy brief making evidence-based recommendations. Or create a more extensive proposal for a new policy on the federal, state or organizational level. Examples may cover nurse staffing ratios, scope of practice laws, workplace safety, health equity policies, and more. Shows skills in researching healthcare systems and policymaking.

Program evaluation: Conduct an outcomes-based evaluation of an existing nursing program, intervention, or model of care. This involves developing evaluation questions, collecting and analyzing appropriate qualitative and/or quantitative data, interpreting results, and providing a summary report on the program’s effectiveness, recommendations for improvement, and usefulness within the evidence base. For instance, students could evaluate the impact of a hospital’s discharge phone call program.

These are just a few of the many possibilities for meaningful nursing capstone projects. The key aspects are demonstrating synthesis of nursing knowledge through application, gaining valuable experience that complements the nursing role, and making a potential contribution or impact. Students should select an area of personal interest where they can show leadership, critical thinking, and advancement of the nursing profession through their work. With faculty guidance, nursing capstones have the potential to be impactful learning experiences.


Patient education is a very common topic area for nursing capstone projects. Nurses play an important role in educating patients, their families, and caregivers. Capstone projects sometimes work to develop new patient education programs, materials, or resources for conditions like diabetes, heart disease, asthma or other chronic illnesses. The projects will research best practices in patient education and develop materials to help patients better manage their conditions through lifestyle changes and medical regimens. The developed materials are then often tested with patients and their effectiveness evaluated.

End-of-life care is another significant area. With an aging population, more people are dealing with advanced illnesses, so improving end-of-life care is paramount. Capstones may explore ways to better meet the physical, psychological, social or spiritual needs of terminally ill patients and their families. This could involve examining palliative or hospice care programs, pain and symptom management, advance care planning, grief and bereavement support. The goal is to enhance quality of life and the death experience for patients. Some projects test new models of palliative care consultation or end-of-life planning interventions.

Prevention and management of chronic diseases are frequently addressed. This includes developing and evaluating programs aimed at lifestyle modifications for better disease control. Some examples may focus on preventing or managing obesity, cardiovascular issues, diabetes, cancer or respiratory illnesses through diet, exercise, medication adherence and smoking cessation programs. Outcome measures would assess improvements in biometric values like BMI, A1C or cholesterol as well as behaviors. Disease self-management support is another aspect


Project Title: Implementing a Cardiac Rehabilitation Telehealth Program to Improve Access and Outcomes

Background: Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the United States. Regular participation in cardiac rehabilitation (CR) programs after a cardiac event has been shown to significantly reduce mortality and hospital readmissions while improving quality of life. Despite the documented benefits, nationally only 15-30% of eligible patients complete a CR program. Barriers to participation include lack of accessible programs, transportation difficulties, costs, and work or family constraints. Telehealth offers an innovative solution to expand access by allowing remote monitoring and participation in CR. More evidence is still needed on the efficacy and best practices of telehealth-based CR.

Project Goals: The goals of this capstone project are to:

1) Implement a telehealth-based CR program allowing remote participation and monitoring for patients at my clinic who are unable to attend onsite sessions.
2) Evaluate the impact of the telehealth CR program on outcomes including program adherence/completion rates, readmission rates, quality of life, and cardiac risk factors after 6 months.
3) Identify best practices and lessons learned from implementation to refine the telehealth CR program.

Methodology: This project will follow a quality improvement framework. In the planning phase, I will conduct a comprehensive literature review on telehealth-based CR. I will identify an evidence-based telehealth platform and prototype virtual sessions. In collaboration with CR nurses, exercise physiologists, and an IT specialist, we will develop protocols for remote monitoring, exercise prescriptions, education modules, and technical/user support.

In the implementation phase, I will train the CR team on the telehealth program. We will enroll 30 English and Spanish-speaking patients referred to CR but unable to attend onsite. Written consent will be obtained to participate and be evaluated. At baseline and 6 months, I will collect data on clinical variables, quality of life (Minnesota Living with Heart Failure and Short Form-36 surveys), and program usage/satisfaction through interviews. Virtual sessions will include exercise training, education on lifestyle/medication management, and peer/staff support twice weekly for 6-12 weeks. Continuous remote monitoring tools will track activity, vital signs, weight, and symptoms.

In the evaluation phase, I will analyze clinical and survey outcomes to assess the impact of telehealth CR compared to usual care. Readmission rates will be obtained from medical records. Patient interviews will identify barriers/facilitators. Using a predetermined analytic plan, I will evaluate if telehealth improved adherence rates by at least 10% and reduced readmission rates by 5% compared to usual care. If successful, qualitative findings will help determine best practices to refine and disseminate the program model. Limitations, unexpected findings, and implications for future research will also be discussed.

Anticipated Outcomes: This innovative capstone project has the potential to demonstrate telehealth is an effective strategy for increasing CR access and participation among underserved patients. If telehealth CR improves outcomes compared to usual care, it could serve as an evidence-based model for wider implementation. By addressing barriers and promoting remote support, more patients may experience the life-saving benefits of rehabilitation after a cardiac event. This work aligns with my goals as a cardiology nurse to advance quality, equitable care through application of research and technologies.


One of the most important things you can do is to start early. Don’t wait until your last semester to start thinking about your capstone project. Identify potential topics as early as your first clinical rotation. Talk to preceptors, professors, and other nurses about issues or patient populations they see as areas for quality improvement or further research. Developing a clear understanding of the need for your project and generating specific aims early on will help ensure a timely and successful completion.

When selecting a topic, choose something you are passionate about. Nursing capstone projects often have a quality improvement, process improvement, or research component that will require significant time, effort and critical thinking. Choosing a topic you are genuinely interested in will help sustain your motivation throughout the extended project timeline. It’s also wise to select a topic that is manageable in scope. Large, overly ambitious projects can become unwieldy and difficult to complete in the allotted time frame for a capstone. Scoping your project properly is important.

Develop a clear plan and timeline with milestones. Creating a structured plan with deadlines for completion of various steps like proposal development, IRB submission/approval, data collection, analysis, and final reporting is crucial. Having interim deadlines keeps you on track to finish on time. Be sure to build in contingencies for potential delays to avoid last minute rushing. It’s also important to identify the necessary resources and obtain any approvals or access early in the process.

Engage in ongoing consultation with your capstone supervisor. Maintaining open communication with your faculty advisor or coordinator is key. Schedule regular check-ins to review progress, discuss challenges, and make any mid-course corrections. Your supervisor can help you stay on track, navigate roadblocks, and catch issues before they become serious problems. Active supervision ensures quality and offers expertise to optimize your project.

Consider pilot testing aspects of your project where possible. Doing a small test of your data collection tools, surveys, or processes beforehand can help identify glitches early. Pilot testing can provide an opportunity to refine methods and ensure validity, reliability and feasibility before full implementation, avoiding issues later on. Piloting may also help establish buy-in from important stakeholders involved.

Thoroughly document your entire process and create a detailed timeline as you progress. Proper documentation establishes rigor and provenance for your work. A timeline provides important context for understanding how and why various choices were made. Documentation and an audit trail are important both for completing a quality final capstone paper/project, but also to establish the foundation for potential future professional presentation or publication.

When analysis is complete, take time to synthesize key findings and insights meaningfully. Effective communication of insights or recommendations is as important as the technical work itself. Draw clear conclusions, highlight important practice or policy implications succinctly, and offer realistic strategies for dissemination or next steps. Quality improvement or evidence-based practice depends on effective translation of research into concrete application recommendations.

When presenting or defending your final capstone work, practice extensively and seek feedback. Presenting your work confidently and fielding questions thoughtfully leaves a strong impression. Incorporate feedback to polish slides, handouts, and your delivery. A quality final defense establishes your command of the topic and clinical judgement applied. Your capstone should demonstrate synthesis of knowledge with potential to enhance practice or translate to improved patient outcomes.

This covers some key strategies for successfully completing a nursing capstone project based on careful planning, engaged supervision, rigorous methodology, documentation, synthesis, and effective communication of insights and recommendations. Proper scoping, pilot testing, timelines, documentation, and stakeholder engagement help optimize success. Taking the time to thoroughly understand and address all requirements results in a rigorously developed nursing capstone to be proud of.