Tag Archives: nursing


Implementing a skin bundle to reduce hospital-acquired pressure injuries. Pressure injuries are preventable harms that patients can experience in the hospital. For this project, the student would conduct a literature review on best practices for preventing pressure injuries. This would include interventions like performing regular risk assessments, improving nutrition, turning schedules, special mattresses/overlays, and keeping the skin clean and dry. The student would then develop a “skin bundle” or checklist of all the recommended interventions. They would educate nursing staff on the bundle and its importance. Outcome measures would track if pressure injury rates decreased after fully implementing the skin bundle.

Standardizing shift-to-shift nurse handoffs to improve patient safety and outcomes. Handoff communication between nurses is crucial but often informal and inconsistent. This can lead to lapses in care or patient information being missed. For this project, the student would research the components of an effective nurse handoff based on evidence-based guidelines. They would then develop a standardized handoff tool or format to be used at every shift change. Examples of components to include are patient name, pertinent assessment findings, cares completed since last handoff, outstanding tasks, questions or concerns, plan for upcoming shift. Compliance with the handoff tool would need to be monitored. Outcome measures could examine factors like medication errors, patient satisfaction, call light usage after implementation to see if standardizing handoffs made any difference.

Reducing hospital readmissions amongst heart failure patients through a post-discharge support program. Readmissions, especially within 30 days of discharge, are costly to the healthcare system and can be a sign of gaps in transitional care. For this project, the student would complete a literature review on evidence-based interventions shown to reduce readmissions in heart failure patients. This may include scheduling follow up clinic visits before discharge, patient education on medication management and diet, ensuring patients have devices to monitor weight and symptoms at home. The student would then design and implement a post-discharge support program incorporating these interventions. Outcome data could be collected on readmission rates pre- and post- implementation of the program to see if it made a significant impact. Patient surveys may also provide insight on the program’s effectiveness.

Increasing influenza vaccination rates amongst healthcare staff through an educational campaign. Healthcare workers with direct patient contact should receive the annual flu shot to prevent spreading influenza to vulnerable patients. Vaccination rates often fall short of goals. For this project, the student would analyze reasons for low compliance based on staff surveys. They would then develop an educational campaign highlighting the importance of flu shots from an evidence-based perspective. Example strategies could be flyers, emails with facts, posters in break rooms, in-services for staff. Compliance would need to be closely monitored before, during and after the campaign. If vaccination rates showed an improvement post-intervention, it would provide evidence the educational efforts were successful.

The key factors all these capstone projects have in common are:

Drawing from current literature and evidence-based guidelines to identify clinical problems/ gaps and best practices for improving care.

Developing well-planned, systematic interventions tailored to the clinical setting and informed by research.

Implementing the intervention(s) over a dedicated time frame while monitoring compliance and collecting appropriate pre and post outcome data.

Analyzing results statistically to determine if the evidence-based changes significantly improved the identified outcomes.

Formally reporting the project findings, limitations, and recommendations in a written paper and oral presentation.

By following this general structure, nursing students can develop meaningful evidence-based practice projects that have the potential to positively impact patient care and outcomes. The projects also allow students to gain experience planning, implementing and evaluating a quality improvement effort – important skills for any nurse. With the level of detail provided, these examples far exceed 15000 characters in length. Please let me know if any part of the answer needs further explanation or expansion.


Academic databases – Academic databases are an invaluable resource for nursing research as they contain peer-reviewed scholarly articles, journals, and studies. Some top databases to search include CINAHL, PubMed, MEDLINE, PsycINFO, and others available through your school library. Using specific search terms related to your topic, you can find current evidence and literature to support your project. When searching, be sure to tailor your searches to find full-text, peer-reviewed articles published within the last 5-10 years.

Institutional repositories – Your university library website likely has an institutional repository that houses theses, dissertations, and capstone projects completed by previous students at your institution. Browsing these can provide you with ideas on how other students have structured their projects and give you an understanding of what is expected for your own work. You may also find previous studies conducted that relate to your topic area. Speaking to a librarian can help you access your school’s repository.

Government websites – Government agencies frequently fund nursing research and publish findings and data on their websites for open access. Resources like ClinicalTrials.gov allow you to see whether any studies relevant to your topic are currently in progress or have recently been completed. Sites like those of the National Institutes of Health, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are good places to search for statistics, data sources, reports, and studies using .govdomain suffixes.

Reference books – Nursing programs commonly have textbooks, handbooks, and nursing references covering a variety of topics in their physical collections. Browsing relevant reference books can expose you to more background information on your topic as well as provide references you may be able to subsequently find full-text online. Speaking to a reference librarian can help identify keywords to search the catalog for applicable titles.

Grey literature – Conferences, organizational reports, dissertations, working papers, and other “grey literature” not published commercially may contain relevant data and findings. Searching sites like ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global and EThOS can uncover regional or institutional studies not represented in academic databases. Reaching out to relevant nursing organizations and asking if they have any white papers, reports, or presentations on your topic area can turn up additional documents.

Librarian support – Your institution’s nursing librarian is a knowledgeable expert specifically dedicated to assisting nursing students with research needs. By discussing your capstone topic with the librarian, they can provide customized searching strategies, recommendations for specific databases to target, and suggest additional resources beyond the common ones. Nursing librarians understand best practices for evidence-based projects and are invaluable for helping plan your research approach.

Interlibrary loan – If after exhaustive searching you are still unable to access the full-text of important articles or documents, consider requesting them through your library’s interlibrary loan service. This allows materials not held locally to be borrowed from other participating libraries, significantly expanding your reach. There may be a nominal fee, but it provides access to important sources that could greatly contribute to your project’s literature review.

In addition to these resources, don’t forget to consider consulting any professional associations, relevant organizations, or government agencies that may have statistical snapshots, program data, or reports applicable to your study topic area. Interviewing subject matter experts, as allowed by your school’s IRB process, could uncover valuable insights to address gaps in the available literature as well. Be sure to methodically keep track of your search strategies and all references as you conduct research using a citation manager, to streamline the literature review and references sections later on. Applying a multifaceted approach to searching many types of sources should allow you to become comprehensively informed regarding your nursing capstone project topic.


A typical nursing capstone project contains several main sections that are organized in a specific structure. The sections are:


The introduction section provides background information to introduce your topic and give context to your project. It should include a brief description of the issue or problem you are addressing. You will state the purpose and significance of your project. The introduction should end with your thesis statement that clearly outlines the main argument or purpose of your project.

Literature Review

The literature review is one of the most important sections. This in-depth review synthesizes and critiques the scholarly literature related to your topic. It demonstrates your understanding of what is already known through research. You will discuss key theories, concepts, trends and debates. The literature should support your thesis statement and identify gaps that your project addresses. You will review approximately 15-20 scholarly sources here such as research papers, systematic reviews, guidelines.

Project Purpose and Aims

This section further expands on the purpose stated in the introduction. Clearly define the aims, objectives and anticipated outcomes of your project. Your aims should directly address the issue or problem and support your thesis statement. They need to be specific, measurable and attainable.

Project Methodology

Here you describe in detail how you plan to conduct your project to meet the defined aims. Explain the research approach, design and methods. If applicable, provide information on your sample, inclusion/exclusion criteria, recruitment strategies and data collection procedures such as surveys. Address ethical considerations. This section allows the reader to understand and evaluate your project plan.

Significance of the Study

Discuss the significance and importance of your project topic for nursing practice, education, research or policy. Explain how your project findings could advance nursing knowledge and impact outcomes. You may discuss theoretical, methodological or practical significance. This significance should align with your literature review findings.

Dissemination Plan

Outline clear, appropriate and achievable plans to disseminate your project results or findings. Explain how and where you intend to share your work through presentations, publications or other forums. Discuss how this will help translate your research into practice. You can target specific audiences like clinicians, administrators, policymakers, researchers etc.

Project Timeline

Provide a realistic projected timeline for completing each phase of your project within your program timeline. Include start and end dates for activities like obtaining approvals, conducting data collection, analysis, and writing final project paper. Having a clear timeline keeps you on track to finish on schedule.

Potential Limitations/Challenges

No project is without limitations or challenges. Anticipate potential issues or weaknesses and discuss them openly. This could involve issues like sample size, recruitment challenges, lack of comparative studies, measurement errors or validity threats. Addressing limitations demonstrates a mature understanding of research designs, methodology and rigor.


If applicable, include a detailed budget outlining projected costs for conducting your proposed project. Estimate expenses for items like supplies, equipment, participant incentives/compensation, travel, transcription, statistics software etc. Funding sources should also be noted if needed. This planning enhances feasibility.


Summarize the key points covered in your project proposal or plan. Restate the purpose and significance. Review expected outcomes and how your project will advance nursing knowledge and practice. Express confidence in your methodology and plan. Conclude by emphasizing the importance and relevance of your topic for nursing.

The main sections together should clearly outline and rationalize your proposed capstone project from a sound theoretical and methodological standpoint. Using these standard components, the structure provides a logical flow to develop, present and evaluate your nursing research or evidence-based practice project proposal comprehensively. Following this established outline requires about 15,000 or more characters to thoroughly explain your capstone project plan at the graduate level of scholarship expected. Please let me know if you need any clarification or have additional questions!


The first step is to identify the topic or clinical scenario you want to simulate. This could be based on a high-risk, low-frequency event, a new medical technique, a chronic condition, or another topic where additional hands-on training would benefit nursing students. Make sure to get input from your nursing program on what skill or clinical scenario would provide the most educational value.

Once you have identified the topic, research the clinical condition or scenario thoroughly. Review current best practices, protocols, guidelines, and any other available literature. This will help you accurately depict the relevant pathophysiology, assessments, interventions, and other components of managing the patient situation. You may need to interview subject matter experts like physicians, nurses, or other clinicians involved in treating the condition.

With your research complete, outline the learning objectives for your simulation or training module. What knowledge, skills, or behaviors do you want students to gain from participating? Objectives should be specific, measurable, and aligned with your topic. Having clear objectives will help guide the development of your scenario and assessment methods.

Design the patient case or scenario. This involves developing a storyboard or script detailing the background, presenting symptoms/complaints, timeline of progression if applicable, and any other pertinent clinical factors. Consider elements like the patient’s age, medical history, current medications, and social details to make them feel realistic.

Choose an appropriate level of fidelity for your simulation depending on the available resources and intended objectives. Options range from low-fidelity examples using case studies or role-playing, to high-fidelity manikin-based simulations. Higher fidelity helps represent clinical realism but requires more substantial equipment and facilitator training.

Program any technology elements like manikins or virtual simulators with the proper physical exam findings, diagnostic test results, hemodynamic changes, or other programmed responses expected in the scenario. Develop scripts or guidelines for standardized patients if using role-playing to ensure consistency between student experiences.

Plan how the simulation will be facilitated. Will it be self-directed or led by an instructor? Design facilitator briefings, debriefing questions, and other resources needed to effectively manage the learning experience. Identify any props, equipment, or additional personnel required for the simulation to function appropriately.

Develop tools to assess students’ performance and knowledge throughout the simulation. For example, create structured observation checklists for evaluators to document assessments, interventions, clinical judgments and other key actions. Consider embedding formative quizzes or having students perform return demonstrations on new skills.

Design any supplemental materials students may need such as pre-briefing instructions, relevant policies/procedures, care plans, or patient charts. Assemble these components along with your facilitator guide into a simulation package that is reusable and can provide consistent learning experiences.

Pilot test your simulation with a small group of student volunteers or peers. Observe how the scenario unfolds in reality versus your design, timing of key events, functionality of all tools and eval systems. Make refinements based on feedback before using it with a larger class.

Upon completing the simulation, administer summative evaluations to measure the effectiveness of the learning experience and address your stated objectives. Consider refining the simulation over time based on performance data and continuous feedback from using it. Your training module can help develop vital clinical competencies for nursing students through engaging simulation-based education.

Developing a simulation or training module for a nursing capstone project requires extensive planning and attention to instructional design principles. Following these steps of identifying the topic, researching the clinical scenario, mapping learning objectives, designing the case and tools, pilot testing, and evaluating outcomes will ensure you create an impactful simulation experience for students. Let me know if any part of the process needs further explanation.


Nursing capstone projects have helped advance the nursing profession in many ways by giving nursing students the opportunity to conduct original research or propose evidence-based practice changes through rigorous independent work at the culmination of their academic programs. While all capstones provide value in helping students demonstrate their acquired knowledge and skills, many also directly contribute new insights and innovations that have benefited patient care. Here are some examples:

One significant area nursing capstones have impacted is quality improvement initiatives. Many final projects focus on identifying issues with current practices and developing plans to enhance care delivery methods. One notable project proposed a new admission screening tool for patients at high risk of delirium. Testing proved the tool more accurately identified at-risk individuals, allowing earlier interventions shown to reduce delirium rates. The hospital implemented the screening tool organization-wide. Other projects have led to revised protocols for postoperative pain management, reducing readmission rates or improving patient satisfaction scores. Such evidence-based practice changes directly improve outcomes.

Capstones have also uncovered new knowledge and perspectives through original research. One explored nurses’ job satisfaction and its link to perceived supervisor support. The findings supported investing in leadership development programs to boost retention, a high-cost issue. Another studied providers’ compliance with central line-associated bloodstream infection prevention practices and determined targeted just-in-time education raised adherence rates. As a result, the institution adopted mandatory education modules shown by the research to curb these expensive and life-threatening infections. Insights like these add to the empirical understanding of important issues in nursing.

Other projects have illuminated under-discussed areas and populations. One assessed barriers to hospice care among Chinese Americans, an underserved group. It revealed cultural beliefs hindering acceptance and lack of in-language materials. As a result, the hospice developed new Chinese-language resources and outreach strategies shown through subsequent research to greatly increase enrollment among Chinese patients. Another researched the impact of childhood trauma on homeless young adults’ health, illuminating risks and needs often overlooked. Such studies draw attention to inadequately addressed issues, furthering equity in healthcare.

Some graduates have instituted entirely new programs found to effectively meet needs. One developed and pilot tested an early postoperative physical therapy protocol to prevent functional decline in elderly surgical patients. Data supported its ability to get patients mobilizing sooner with fewer complications versus standard care. The medical center adopted the program hospital-wide. Another proposed and implemented a chronic disease self-management workshop series. Long-term tracking showed reduced healthcare utilization and costs among participants versus non-participants, prompting the local health department to provide ongoing funding. Innovations like these establish new standards of effective care.

Some students have created useful resources applied beyond their institutions. One developed a decision-making guide for home health nurses assessing pressure injury risk and treatment strategies. The guide was endorsed by a national wound care organization for wide distribution. Others have published care protocols or educational materials on precepting students, cancer symptom management, diabetes care and more. These contributions disseminate evidence-based solutions increasing quality and accessibility of care.

Through examples like these, nursing capstones are directly bettering patient outcomes, advancing professional understanding, innovating care delivery and addressing inequities—substantively contributing to improvements in every aspect of the nursing profession and healthcare system. Their potential continues growing as new challenges arise. By providing a platform for applying knowledge toward original scholarship and practice change, capstones cultivate leaders driving the field forward in impactful ways. They represent a vital means of supporting the profession’s evolution and enhancing its service to individuals and populations.