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There are several key ways that organizations can measure the success of their diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives. It is important to develop meaningful metrics and track both qualitative and quantitative data over time to assess progress and the impact of DEI efforts.

Retention and representation metrics: Tracking retention rates and representation data across different demographic groups can help measure success. Organizations should look at things like retention of minority employees, women, people with disabilities, and other underrepresented groups compared to overall retention rates. They can also track representation rates in leadership, different levels of management, overall workforce composition, recruiting pipelines, and retention from recruiting to hiring. Increasing retention and improving representation over time across all groups would indicate positive impact from DEI initiatives.

Employee experience through surveys: Conducting anonymous surveys that measure employee experience related to DEI can provide valuable insight. Questions can assess how included and welcomed different groups feel, their sense of belonging, fair treatment, and whether the culture is improving. Benchmarking survey data over multiple years shows trends. Response rates from underrepresented groups are also important to track, as are actions taken in response to survey findings. Continuous improvement in employee feedback would suggest DEI efforts are enhancing workplace experiences and culture.

Engagement and satisfaction metrics: Tracking metrics like employee engagement scores, satisfaction rates, “likelihood to recommend employer” scores, broken down by demographic group, can gauge impact. DEI initiatives aim to enhance all employee experiences, so engagement and satisfaction rates improving or remaining high among all groups is a sign of progress. Surveying people who recently left the company on their experiences can also highlight areas for improvement.

Progress on DEI goals: Setting public, measurable DEI goals is important for accountability. Tracking progress made on specific, time-bound goals shows if initiatives are effective. For example, goals may include doubling the number of women or minorities in leadership by a certain date, mandating DEI training completion rates, increasing spending with minority-owned vendors, etc. Evaluating progress on concrete, transparent goals holds an organization responsible for following through on its commitments.

Diversity of opportunities: Tracking the diversity of employees accessing high-potential opportunities, like leadership training programs, coveted assignments, promotions, mentorship opportunities, can demonstrate impact. DEI aims to foster an inclusive environment with equal access to career-boosting opportunities. Seeing more equal representation of diverse groups accessing high-potential opportunities indicates the organization is culturally evolving.

Reduced bias complaints: Tracking formal and informal complaints related to bias, discrimination, unfair treatment based on personal attributes can provide useful metrics. A decreasing trend in such complaints over time suggests cultural shifts are occurring and DEI efforts are having positive effects. This also protects the organization by reducing legal risks.

Volunteerism and resource group participation: Tracking volunteer rates and involvement in employee resource groups (ERGs) by different employee demographic categories shows engagement. Representation in ERGs and rates of participation in volunteering suggests employees feel invested and supported enough to actively contribute back to DEI initiatives.

Supplier and vendor diversity: Tracking spending statistics with minority-owned, women-owned, veteran-owned businesses, etc. and increases over time demonstrate initiative follow through. DEI aims to promote inclusive and equitable hiring, sourcing, and procurement practices throughout business ecosystems.

Qualitative testimony: Soliciting individual employee stories of how the culture and their experiences have positively changed thanks to DEI efforts provides meaningful, credible qualitative metrics. Hearing diverse voices brings data to life and highlights the true impact initiatives have on workplace inclusion, sense of belonging, and empowerment.

By comprehensively tracking both quantitative and qualitative metrics across these and other impact areas, organizations can holistically gauge success, continuously improve efforts, and ensure accountability. Seeing steady, sustained progress in DEI metrics over multiple years indicates initiatives are driving meaningful, long-term cultural evolution.


Implement both leading and lagging metrics. Leading metrics provide early signs that the recommendations are driving the desired behaviors and culture change. This could include things like participation rates in new employee development programs, feedback from pulse surveys and focus groups on how initiatives are enhancing the work experience and environment. Lagging metrics tie more directly to the ultimate goals of improved engagement and lower attrition. Core lagging metrics to track include employee Net Promoter Score (eNPS), engagement survey results, and voluntary attrition rates. Tracking both leading behaviors and lagging outcomes provides a more complete picture of impact.

Establish benchmarks and targets prior to implementation. Prior to launching any of the recommendations, the company should establish clear benchmarks for where key metrics currently stand. This establishes a baseline to measure improvement against. They should also set ambitious but achievable target levels for each metric to strive for within set timeframes (e.g. increase eNPS by 10 points after 6 months and 15 points after 12 months). Having specific, quantifiable targets helps ensure accountability and momentum towards goals.

Incorporate metrics tracking into business reviews. Metrics tracking should become a formal part of regular cross-functional business reviews attended by senior leaders. Having engagement and retention metrics standing agenda items keeps initiatives front and center, allows for continuous monitoring of progress, and provides opportunities to course correct or adjust approaches as needed. Leaders can also use review forums to identify roadblocks or recognize high-performing teams/functions that are driving exemplary results.

Conduct pulse surveys throughout. While annual or bi-annual engagement surveys provide a comprehensive health check, more frequent “pulse” surveys (e.g. quarterly) on specific focus areas related to recommendations help detect shifts in perceptions or satisfaction levels in real-time. For example, if a new learning and development program is launched, monthly pulse surveys can track awareness, usage and self-reported impact on skills, confidence and motivation. Identifying issues earlier allows for timely remedy versus waiting a year for survey results.

Leverage existing HR and performance databases. Much useful data already resides within existing HRIS, performance management and payroll systems that can provide insight into the impact of changes. For example, training records reveal participation and completion rates for new programs. Performance management data may surface increases in feedback frequency, quality of feedback discussions, or achievement of talent development goals. System data when analyzed longitudinally offers a continuous feedback loop.

Conduct stay and exit interviews. Robust stay and exit interview protocols are important for uncovering reasons people join, choose to stay, or decide to leave the organization. Exit interview participation should be very high to allow for meaningful analysis of trends. Look for changing reasons provided by leavers when compared to benchmarks. Stay interview themes help identify what is working well for retaining top talent and worth doubling-down on.

Administer periodic focus groups and interviews. Speaking directly to employees via informal focus groups or one-on-one interviews provides important qualitative insights not always captured quantitatively. Discussions help expose feelings, perceptions and rationale beneath survey responses in a way that informs necessary adjustments. Select focus group participants to represent a cross-section of functions, levels, tenure, gender and other demographic factors.

Partner with internal stakeholders. Engage line leaders, change agents and employee resource groups to help disseminate and embed new approaches, then provide their unique front-line perspectives on what is resonating or requires refining. Crowdsourcing feedback and experience from stakeholders increases shared accountability for success and sense of community investment in the ongoing evolution of the culture.

Conduct external benchmarking. How do engagement and retention results compare to industry/market norms? External benchmarking, either through participation in large-scale surveys administered by third-parties or purchasing aggregated data reports, helps validate whether progress achieved is sufficient competitively or whether the organization continues to lag the market. It provides needed context for goal-setting and decision making.

The above metrics and monitoring techniques, if implemented systematically and at scale, would provide the company with a comprehensive, multi-dimensional view into how well the proposed recommendations are enhancing employee experience, perceptions of leadership and the overall work environment over time. Both quantitative metrics and qualitative feedback loops offer important inputs to guide mid-course corrections that ensure initiatives fulfill their intended purpose of positively impacting engagement and ultimately strengthening employee retention.


One of the primary criteria used to evaluate a capstone project is how well the intern was able to demonstrate the technical skills and knowledge gained during their time in the program. Capstone projects are intended to allow interns the opportunity to take on a substantial project where they can independently apply what they have learned. Evaluators will look at the technical approach, methods, and work conducted to see if the intern has developed expertise in areas like programming, data analysis, system implementation, research methodology, or whatever technical skills are most applicable to the field of study and internship. They want to see that interns leave the program equipped with tangible, applicable abilities.

Another important criteria is the demonstration of problems solving and critical thinking skills. All projects inevitably encounter obstacles, changes in scope, or unforeseen issues. Evaluators will assess how the intern navigated challenges, if they were able to troubleshoot on their own, think creatively to overcome problems, and appropriately adjust the project based on new information or constraints discovered along the way. They are looking for interns who can think on their feet and apply intentional problem solving approaches, not those who give up at the first sign of difficulty. Relatedly, the rigor of the project methodology and approach is important. Was the intern’s process for conducting the work thorough, well-planned, and compliant with industry standards? Did they obtain necessary approvals and buy-in from stakeholders?

Effective communication skills are also a key trait evaluators examine. They will want to see evidence that the intern was able to articulate the purpose and status of the project clearly and concisely to technical and non-technical audiences, both through interim reporting and the final presentation. Documentation of the project scope, decisions, process, and results is important for traceability and organizational learning. Interpersonal skills including collaboration, mentor relationship building, and leadership are additionally valuable. Timeliness and ability to meet deadlines is routinely among the top issues for intern projects, so staying on schedule is another critical success factor.

The quality, usefulness, and feasibility of the deliverables or outcomes produced are naturally a prominent part of the evaluation. Did the project achieve its objective of solving a problem, creating a new tool or workflow, piloting a potential product or service, researching an important question, etc. for the host organization? Was the scale and effort appropriate for an initial capstone? Are the results in a format that is actionable, sustainable, and provides ongoing value after the internship concludes? Potential for future development, pilot testing, roll out or continued work is favorable. Related to deliverables is how well the intern demonstrated independent ownership of their project. Did they exhibit motivation, creativity and drive to see it through with ambition, rather than needing close oversight and management?

A final important measure is how effectively the intern evaluated and reflected upon their own experience and learning. Professional growth mindset is valued. Evaluators will look for insight into what technical or soft skills could continue developing post-internship, how overall experiences have impacted long term career goals, important lessons learned about project management or the industry, and strengths demonstrated, amongst other factors. Did the intern demonstrate ambition to continuously improve, build upon their current level of expertise gained, and stay curious about further professional evolution? Quality reflection shows interns are thinking critically about their future careers.

The key criteria used to gauge capstone project success cover areas like demonstrated technical competency, critical thinking, troubleshooting abilities, communication effectiveness, time management and deadline adherence, quality of deliverables and outcomes for the organization, independence, professional growth mindset, and insightful self-reflection from the intern. Each of these represent important hard and soft skills desired of any future employee, which capstone work aims to develop. Overall evaluation weighs how successfully an intern was in applying what they learned during their program to take ownership of a substantial, industry-aligned project from definition through delivery and documentation of results. With experience gained from a successful capstone, interns exit better prepared for future career opportunities.


Infosys follows an agile methodology in implementing capstone projects which contributes significantly to their success. Some of the key aspects of how agile enables success are:

Adaptive planning – With agile, projects have more flexibility to adapt the plan based on what is learned as the project progresses. This allows the team to respond quickly to changes in requirements or priorities. For large, complex capstone projects which can last months, being able to evolve the plan based on learnings ensures the final solution delivered is truly aligned with customer needs.

Iterative development – Rather than a “big bang” delivery, projects are developed iteratively in short cycles. This reduces risk since working software is delivered more frequently for feedback. It is easier for stakeholders to intervene if something is going off track. For capstone projects where requirements may not be fully known upfront, iteration helps discover and refine needs over time.

Collaboration – Agile promotes active collaboration between business and IT. There are frequent opportunities to get feedback, answer questions and make changes collaboratively. This helps build understanding and buy-in between the client and Infosys team. For capstone projects involving multiple stakeholders, collaboration is crucial to ensuring all needs are understood and addressed.

Transparency – Key aspects like velocity, impediments, scope are visible to all through artifacts like Kanban or Scrum boards. This transparency helps the Infosys team as well as clients understand progress, issues and have realistic expectations. For large, complex capstone projects transparency prevents miscommunications that could otherwise derail the project.

Responsive to change – With its iterative nature, agile makes it easier to incorporate changes in requirements or priorities into development. This responsiveness is critical for capstone projects where business needs may evolve over the long project durations. Rather than wastefully building features that are no longer needed, agile supports changing course when needed.

Focus on value – Each iteration aims to deliver working, demonstrable value to the client. This keeps the project focused on priority needs and ensures something useful is delivered frequently. For capstone projects, focus on incremental value helps recognize and address issues early before large amounts of work are invested in potential dead-ends. It also keeps stakeholder engagement and motivation high by providing early wins.

Small batch sizes – Work is developed in small batches that can be completed within the iteration cycle, typically 2-4 weeks. This makes work packages more manageable, reduces risk of being overwhelmed, and enables keeping technical debt to a minimum. For large, long-term capstone projects, batching work appropriately helps progress stay on track and minimizes rework.

People over process – While following basic structures and best practices, agile prioritizes adaptability over rigid adherence to process. This empowerment enhances team performance on complex capstone projects where flexibility to experiments and adapt is needed to handle unpredictable challenges.

By leveraging these agile principles, Infosys is better able to continuously deliver value, maintain stakeholder engagement and responsiveness, adapt to changes, and keep technical quality high even for large, lengthy capstone projects. Early and frequent delivery of working solutions helps validate understanding and direction. Iterative development reduces risk of building the wrong solution. Transparency and collaboration aid coordination across distributed, multi-stakeholder projects that characterize capstone work. As a result, Infosys sees higher success rates and greater customer satisfaction on its capstone projects by implementing agile methodologies compared to traditional “waterfall” approaches.

The iterative, incremental, collaborative nature of agile underpins many of its benefits that are directly applicable to complex capstone projects. By promoting active stakeholder involvement, frequent delivery of value, transparency, adaptation and flexibility – agile supports Infosys in continuously learning and evolving solutions to ultimately better meet customer needs on large transformational projects. This contributes greatly to the programs being delivered on time and on budget, as well as achieving the strategic business outcomes stakeholders envisioned at the start.


There are several key factors that should be considered when determining the success of a project and measuring its impact on an organization. A comprehensive evaluation approach should utilize both quantitative and qualitative metrics gathered both during and after project implementation.

When developing metrics and an evaluation plan, it’s important to establish clear project objectives and desired outcomes upfront. These objectives will form the basis for determining success and should be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-bound (SMART). Common project objectives an organization may want to achieve could include: delivering the project on-time and on-budget, achieving specific functionality or technology goals, improving certain business processes, meeting certain quality standards, satisfying key stakeholders, and realizing targeted financial or operational benefits.

Both leading and lagging indicators should be tracked throughout the project lifecycle. During implementation, it’s important to monitor project health factors like task/milestone progress, budget/schedule variances, issue/risk management, quality assurance, and stakeholder engagement. Any significant deviations from plan can serve as early warning signs of potential challenges. User testing and feedback during development iterations can also ensure solution designs and deliverables are meeting requirements and user needs.

Once the project is complete and has been operational for some time, the true outcomes and impacts can then be properly evaluated. Both qualitative and quantitative metrics should be used. On the qualitative side, surveying key stakeholders to understand perceived benefits, pain points resolved, level of adoption/user satisfaction achieved as well as overall project delivery perceptions can provide valuable insights. On the quantitative side, metrics could include actual versus planned timeline/budget variances, functionality delivered versus specifications, operational process improvements realized, productivity/cycle time enhancements, revenue increases, cost savings achieved, customer retention rates impacted, and return on investment statistics if applicable.

Depending on the project objectives, some specific quantitative metrics that could be measured include: number of critical bugs fixed, volume/velocity of new features developed, system/network performance statistics like uptime percentages and response times, service level agreement attainment percentages, first call resolution rates for support incidents, customer satisfaction survey scores, employee engagement scores pre-and-post implementation, staff turnover rates pre-and-post, and operational Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) like order processing cycle times or cash conversion cycles if an ERP project for example.

The ultimate determination of success comes down to assessing if the project objectives were achieved and the targeted benefits were realized. It’s important here to revisit the original objectives established in the planning phase and evaluate if and how well they were met. Overall perception of success will also depend on how satisfied stakeholders are and if organizational goals were advanced.

While quantifying outcomes is important for justifying costs, the full business impacts may take longer to materialize as processes, practices and culture adapt to changes. Follow-up reviews 6-12 months post implementation allow assessing sustainability and realization of longer term strategic benefits. Continued benefits tracking and process optimization thereafter help optimize the organization’s ongoing ROI.

An effective evaluation establishes a fact-based, data-driven understanding of project outcomes. It allows the organization to learn from experiences to continuously improve processes. Documenting lessons learned prevents repeating mistakes. And demonstrating clear value from projects builds support and confidence for future initiatives. A robust yet usable framework for determining success and impacts ensures the organization can effectively gauge investments and advancement of strategic objectives through its project portfolio.

A comprehensive yet practical approach involving both leading and lagging indicators, quantitative and qualitative metrics, stakeholder surveys, and assessment against original objectives allows gaining a holistic view of true project and business success. Continuous tracking post implementation further verifies sustainability and optimization of longer term benefits and returns.