Tag Archives: recommendations


Implement both leading and lagging metrics. Leading metrics provide early signs that the recommendations are driving the desired behaviors and culture change. This could include things like participation rates in new employee development programs, feedback from pulse surveys and focus groups on how initiatives are enhancing the work experience and environment. Lagging metrics tie more directly to the ultimate goals of improved engagement and lower attrition. Core lagging metrics to track include employee Net Promoter Score (eNPS), engagement survey results, and voluntary attrition rates. Tracking both leading behaviors and lagging outcomes provides a more complete picture of impact.

Establish benchmarks and targets prior to implementation. Prior to launching any of the recommendations, the company should establish clear benchmarks for where key metrics currently stand. This establishes a baseline to measure improvement against. They should also set ambitious but achievable target levels for each metric to strive for within set timeframes (e.g. increase eNPS by 10 points after 6 months and 15 points after 12 months). Having specific, quantifiable targets helps ensure accountability and momentum towards goals.

Incorporate metrics tracking into business reviews. Metrics tracking should become a formal part of regular cross-functional business reviews attended by senior leaders. Having engagement and retention metrics standing agenda items keeps initiatives front and center, allows for continuous monitoring of progress, and provides opportunities to course correct or adjust approaches as needed. Leaders can also use review forums to identify roadblocks or recognize high-performing teams/functions that are driving exemplary results.

Conduct pulse surveys throughout. While annual or bi-annual engagement surveys provide a comprehensive health check, more frequent “pulse” surveys (e.g. quarterly) on specific focus areas related to recommendations help detect shifts in perceptions or satisfaction levels in real-time. For example, if a new learning and development program is launched, monthly pulse surveys can track awareness, usage and self-reported impact on skills, confidence and motivation. Identifying issues earlier allows for timely remedy versus waiting a year for survey results.

Leverage existing HR and performance databases. Much useful data already resides within existing HRIS, performance management and payroll systems that can provide insight into the impact of changes. For example, training records reveal participation and completion rates for new programs. Performance management data may surface increases in feedback frequency, quality of feedback discussions, or achievement of talent development goals. System data when analyzed longitudinally offers a continuous feedback loop.

Conduct stay and exit interviews. Robust stay and exit interview protocols are important for uncovering reasons people join, choose to stay, or decide to leave the organization. Exit interview participation should be very high to allow for meaningful analysis of trends. Look for changing reasons provided by leavers when compared to benchmarks. Stay interview themes help identify what is working well for retaining top talent and worth doubling-down on.

Administer periodic focus groups and interviews. Speaking directly to employees via informal focus groups or one-on-one interviews provides important qualitative insights not always captured quantitatively. Discussions help expose feelings, perceptions and rationale beneath survey responses in a way that informs necessary adjustments. Select focus group participants to represent a cross-section of functions, levels, tenure, gender and other demographic factors.

Partner with internal stakeholders. Engage line leaders, change agents and employee resource groups to help disseminate and embed new approaches, then provide their unique front-line perspectives on what is resonating or requires refining. Crowdsourcing feedback and experience from stakeholders increases shared accountability for success and sense of community investment in the ongoing evolution of the culture.

Conduct external benchmarking. How do engagement and retention results compare to industry/market norms? External benchmarking, either through participation in large-scale surveys administered by third-parties or purchasing aggregated data reports, helps validate whether progress achieved is sufficient competitively or whether the organization continues to lag the market. It provides needed context for goal-setting and decision making.

The above metrics and monitoring techniques, if implemented systematically and at scale, would provide the company with a comprehensive, multi-dimensional view into how well the proposed recommendations are enhancing employee experience, perceptions of leadership and the overall work environment over time. Both quantitative metrics and qualitative feedback loops offer important inputs to guide mid-course corrections that ensure initiatives fulfill their intended purpose of positively impacting engagement and ultimately strengthening employee retention.


Executive Summary: The executive summary is one of the most important sections of any capstone report. It should be no more than one page and concisely summarize the main research question/problem, methods used, key findings, and primary recommendations. The executive summary gives busy stakeholders a quick overview of the project outcomes and value. It must be well-written in a clear, concise manner that piques interest in the full report.

Introduction: The introduction provides context and overview for the project. It explains the research question/problem studied, why it is relevant or important, potential impacts of the findings, and an outline of the overall report structure. The introduction frames the scope and sets reader expectations. It is important this section introduces the topic in a compelling manner that motivates reading further.

Literature Review: A well-researched and synthesized literature review demonstrates the student understands the background and theoretical framework around the research topic. It summarizes and critiques relevant studies to highlight what is known, debates, gaps in knowledge, and how the current project adds new insights. The literature review establishes credibility and context for the methods and findings. It is organized thematically to tell a clear narrative.

Methods: The methods section provides a step-by-step description of how the research was designed and conducted to answer the research question. Sufficient detail must be included to allow another researcher to replicate the study. Key elements include the type of methodology (e.g. qualitative, quantitative, mixed), sample selection, data collection tools/techniques, procedure, limitations, and trustworthiness of the research design.
Charts/Tables/Figures: Adding relevant charts, figures, graphs and tables to the report helps simplify complex concepts or data and present them in digestible visual formats. Tables summarize quantitative data findings, while figures/graphs display trends, patterns and relationships at a glance. These visual elements break up blocks of text and enhance reader understanding.

Findings: The findings section presents the key outcomes and discoveries from analyses. It relates the findings back to the purpose of the study by addressing the original research question. Findings are reported in an objective, unbiased manner supported by evidence such as verbatim quotes, observation notes or quantitative data. This section does not include recommendations or interpretation – just presents the facts.

Discussion/Analysis: Here, the student synthesizes how the findings relate to the literature reviewed earlier. They analyze, interpret and explain the significance and meaning of results. Comparisons are drawn between the study findings and theories/concepts in existing literature. Unexpected or contradictory findings are highlighted and possible reasons explored. The discussion moves the reader towards recommendations.

Recommendations: This critical section clearly outlines actionable proposals or suggestions based on the implications and significance of the findings and discussion. Recommendations directly address the original problem/question and are targeted towards stakeholders who can implement the changes. They are feasible, evidence-based ideas centered around improving the situation. For each recommendation, potential challenges or limitations are also addressed.

Conclusion: To wrap up the report, the conclusion restates the research problem, summarizes key findings and draws the major outcomes together. Most importantly, it conveys the value, impact and ‘so what’ of the project by emphasizing how it contributes new knowledge or understandings. The conclusion demonstrates reflexivity on the process and personal growth of the student. It leaves the reader with a sense of closure and importance of the work.

Oral Presentation: In addition to the written report, students should hone their communication skills through an oral presentation of the capstone. Visual aids such as slides help engage the audience and summarize major points. Strong presenters adopt an enthusiastic, confident tone and style, maintain eye contact and involve listeners through questioning. Rehearsal is key to refining the presentation for impact.

A well-structured written report supported by an engaging oral presentation allows capstone students to thoughtfully communicate their research in a clear, logical and compelling manner to key stakeholders. Focusing on the audience needs throughout the process helps relay the value, depth and applications of the project in an impactful way.


iMovie (Mac) – iMovie is a free video editing software that comes pre-installed on Mac computers. It has a simple and intuitive interface that makes it good for beginners. With iMovie you can import video clips, photos, and audio to tell your story. You can rearrange and trim clips, add titles and transitions, add filters and effects, and include a soundtrack. The free version allows you to export your finished projects in standard formats like MP4 that can be shared online. A few limitations are that it only supports up to 4 video tracks and you are limited in customization options compared to paid software. For basic digital storytelling needs, iMovie is a great free option for Mac users.

Windows Movie Maker (Windows) – Similar to iMovie, Windows Movie Maker is free video editing software that comes pre-installed on Windows computers. It has a basic but easy to use interface for importing, arranging, and trimming video clips and adding titles, transitions, photos, and audio. You can also apply basic color and visual effects. Projects can be exported in common formats like MP4. The main limitations are that it only allows 2 video and 2 audio tracks simultaneously and has fewer customization options compared to paid software. It is still capable for basic digital storytelling and is a good free starting point for Windows users.

Adobe Premiere Pro/Elements – Adobe Premiere Pro is a professional grade video editing software with powerful, flexible options for advanced editing and filmmaking. It has a learning curve and subscription model that may not make it suitable for beginners or occasional users. Adobe Premiere Elements is similar but stripped down version of Premiere Pro that retains many of the core features in a simpler interface. Elements has more tracks and customization options than free software while being more approachable than Premiere Pro. Both allow advanced cutting and combining clips, layering graphics/titles, color grading, and special effects. Elements in particular could be a good intermediate option for aspiring digital storytellers looking to step up from basic software.

Final Cut Pro (Mac) – Considered the gold standard for Mac video editing, Final Cut Pro is focused, powerful, and widely used by professionals. It comes with a one-time purchase price of $299 making it more expensive up front than other options. Where it excels is in its tight integration with other Apple software and hardware as well as third party plugins/effects. It has a clean interface and many advanced tools for video/audio/graphics manipulation. While it has a learning curve, Final Cut Pro allows virtually any type of project to be created and is worth considering for serious Mac-based digital storytelling.

Shotcut (Free, Windows/Mac/Linux) – Shotcut is a free, open source, and cross-platform video editor. It has a basic timeline interface for importing, arranging, and editing video/audio clips. You can add titles, transitions, and basic color adjustments. While not as fully-featured as paid software, it provides more capability than Windows Movie Maker or iMovie with additional tracks, nesting abilities, and keyboard shortcuts. Projects can be exported to common formats. Shotcut strikes a nice balance of being capable yet also free making it a good choice for budget-conscious users across operating systems.

Lightworks (Free for non-commercial, Windows/Mac/Linux) – Lightworks is a professional non-linear video editor with a history of being used in Hollywood films. The free version supports 1080p resolution with 2 video/3 audio tracks allowing basic editing. You get access to advanced editing tools like color correction, compositing, masking and more. Finished projects can be exported to various formats. While the interface is more involved, Lightworks is very capable. For hobbiest digital storytellers on a budget, it provides Hollywood-caliber features without the high price tag for non-commercial use.

Those are some good options to consider for creating digital storytelling projects. I hope these details on capabilities and learning curves help you determine the best editing software for your needs. Most important is picking software you can learn and be creative within. While free options like iMovie, Windows Movie Maker or Shotcut are great starting points, intermediate users may benefit most from stepping up to Adobe Premiere Elements, Final Cut Pro or Lightworks for enhanced creative control. Let me know if you need any other recommendations!


The financial analysis will evaluate the various options being considered from perspectives of costs, revenues, and profitability over both the short-term and long-term. This will help identify the most viable alternatives that can maximize value for the business.

To conduct the cost analysis, we will firstitemize all the one-time set up and recurring costs associated with each option. One-time costs will include items like equipment/infrastructure purchases, software licenses, training expenses etc. Recurring costs will include expenses like labor, maintenance, utilities etc. We will obtain cost estimates for each line item from reliable vendor quotes, industry research as well as consulting in-house subject matter experts.

To gauge revenues, we will analyze revenue models and forecast sales volumes for each option. Key factors influencing revenues that will be examined include addressable market size, targeted market share, sales price points, product/service margins, expected sales ramp up etc. Sensitivity analyses will also be performed accounting for variations in these assumptions. Revenue forecasts will be created for the initial 5 years as well as longer 10 year period to capture full revenue lifecycles.

Profitability will be estimated by subtracting total costs from total revenues to compute profits earned over various time horizons for each option. Key profitability metrics like Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR), Return on Investment (ROI), Payback Period will be calculated. The option with the highest NPV and IRR while maintaining adequate cashflows and shortest payback will typically be preferred.

Beyond the individual option analyses, comparative financial models will also be developed to allow for relative evaluation. Breakeven analyses identifying volume requirements for viability will provide important insights. Scenario analyses stress testing different ‘what if’ situations like varying costs, revenues, delays will add robustness to recommendations.

In addition to the core financial metrics, other qualitative factors impacting viability and fit with organizational priorities/risk appetite will also be examined. These may include measures around strategic alignment, competitive positioning, technology risks, resource requirements etc. Their translation into financial impact wherever possible will strengthen objectivity.

Key stakeholders from relevant functions like operations, technology, sales and finance will be consulted to obtain inputs and review assumptions. Verifying inputs with industry benchmarks where available will enhance credibility. Sensitivity of recommendations to changes in key drivers will be highlighted.

Since capital allocation decisions have long term implications, financial projections accounting for lifecycle phases will aim to capture longer term strategic value in addition to shorter payback viability. Recommendations will be made balancing potential rewards against risks and fit with the overall business direction and risk appetite.

Considering the complexity and to account for unintended consequences, financial modeling assumptions and logic will be documented transparently. Results of scenario and sensitivity analyses will be summarized to provide decision makers with flexibility depending in external realities. post implementation reviews of actual vs projected performance can help improve future evaluation quality.

Financial discipline paired with strategic and operational perspectives aim to deliver the most informed and balanced recommendations. Continuous monitoring of key value drivers post implementation along with flexibility to course correct where required will further enhance outcomes. The multi dimensional evaluation seeks to optimize value creation withinacceptable risk thresholds to maximize longer term sustainable benefits.

Through rigorous financial analysis and modeling grounded by operational and strategic inputs, the recommendations intend to identify options driving optimal value alignment over the long run. Continuous assessment of actuals to improve future estimations together with flexibility to changing externalities will help realize projected benefits in a structured manner balancing rewards against risks.


A green belt capstone project conducted by students would aim to identify opportunities for a community to improve sustainability and environmental protection. The project would involve research on issues the community currently faces, benchmarking against other communities, developing potential solutions, and making recommendations. For the findings and recommendations to then be successfully implemented, there would need to be buy-in and support from key stakeholders in the community.

The first step would be to present the capstone project report and recommendations to the local municipal government. The students would meet with the mayor and relevant department heads such as those overseeing parks, transportation, waste management, etc. to discuss the proposed initiatives. Having government support is critical for providing funding, passing policies, and mobilizing resources for implementation. The presentation should highlight the environmental and quality of life benefits the recommendations could provide. It may help to commission an economic impact analysis to show potential cost savings or new jobs as well.

With initial approval from the local leadership, the next phase would involve a public awareness campaign to gain community support. Fact sheets summarizing the key issues and proposed solutions in simple, visually appealing language could be distributed on websites and through mailers. Public meetings and seminars would allow community members to learn more and ask questions. Working with local newspapers, TV and radio could help increase attendance at events and overall visibility. Endorsements from respected community organizations would lend further credibility.

Grassroots volunteer organizations would need to be engaged to assist with implementing specific initiatives. For example, if creating new community gardens or urban forests was suggested, a “Friends of Gardens/Forests” group could be set up to help with physical labor, oversight, and programming. Green teams of students and residents could spearhead neighborhood recycling or composting programs. Non-profits focused on environmental protection could provide expertise, consulting resources, and in some cases matching funds for grants.

To move forward with tangible projects, detailed project plans and budgets would need to be developed. For initiatives requiring infrastructure changes such as bike lanes, electric vehicle charging stations or renewable energy installations, the next steps would involve securing funding. Grants from state environmental or transportation agencies may be pursued. Municipal bonds targeted for green projects could also be issued. Public-private partnerships where companies help fund initiatives in exchange for marketing or tax benefits would be another option.

Crowdfunding campaigns engaging the Whole community in helping kickstart high visibility pilots like a solar array at a school could build excitement. Ongoing operating and maintenance costs would need to be accounted for as well, such as additional staff or equipment. Building sustainability features into capital budget planning ensures long term fiscal health of initiatives.

Monitoring and reporting mechanisms must be put in place to track outcomes over time. Data on metrics such as waste diversion rates, air quality, energy use would need to be regularly collected and analyzed. Surveys assessing residents’ views, participation and impacts on quality of life would provide valuable qualitative feedback. Annual reports distributed to the community and online would showcase successes and lessons learned. This transparency maintains accountability while motivating continued progress towards the ultimate shared goal of a greener, more livable community for all.

With diligent execution of this comprehensive implementation strategy incorporating all stakeholders from initial planning through long-term evaluation, the green belt capstone project recommendations stand a very strong chance of catalyzing meaningful and lasting positive change within the local area. Sustainability is a continuous journey of improvements – by instilling these practices, a foundation is built for the community to grow greener together into the future.