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At Oregon State University, capstone projects serve as a culminating experience for students to integrate and apply the knowledge and skills they have gained throughout their academic program. Capstone projects take on many forms, including applied research projects, design projects, performances, exhibits, clinical experiences, internships, community service projects, and more. All capstone projects are intended to allow students the opportunity to demonstrate their mastery of the learning outcomes for their degree through an intensive project or experience.

The evaluation and grading of capstone projects at OSU is meant to provide students with meaningful feedback on their work while also assigning a final grade that reflects their capstone achievement. The process involves several key stages and participants to ensure rigorous and fair assessment.

When students enroll in their capstone course, they work closely with a capstone advisor who is typically a faculty member in their major/program. The capstone advisor helps the student develop a clear capstone proposal that identifies the project goals, activities, timeline, and expected outcomes or deliverables. The proposal establishes the scope and expectations for the project that will guide the subsequent evaluation. The capstone advisor is responsible for approving the proposal.

Once the proposal is approved, students carry out their capstone work over the course of a term or academic year, depending on the program. They continue meeting regularly with their capstone advisor for guidance, feedback, and to discuss progress. The capstone advisor monitors the student’s work throughout and may periodically assess elements like preliminary drafts, updates, or work samples using rubrics. Their ongoing input helps students stay on track to meet expectations.

When the capstone work is complete, most programs require students to present their final project or experience to an evaluation committee. Committees typically include the capstone advisor along with other relevant faculty, community partners, or professionals. Committee membership varies by department but aims to bring diverse perspectives relevant to evaluating the work.

The purpose of the capstone presentation is for students to demonstrate how they addressed the proposal goals, to discuss what they learned, and to take questions. Presentations may take the form of reports, posters, performances, demonstrations, or other appropriate formats. Committees often use standardized rubrics to assess all required elements and provide structured feedback.

Following the presentation, committees convene privately to determine two key outcomes – whether the project met the minimum standards to pass, and the overall letter grade. Checklists and rubrics are again used to structure this discussion. Committees consider how well students demonstrated attainment of learning outcomes, the level of analysis, rigor of work, depth of insight, and overall achievement relative to expectations. The capstone advisor’s ongoing input and assessment carries substantial weight.

Once determined by consensus, evaluation committees submit their results including pass/no pass and the letter grade directly to the academic program. Programs have discretion over final grade assignment according to their policies. Grades may factor in both the committee’s recommendation and input from the capstone advisor over the full project duration. The program notifies students of the official results.

Students who do not pass either present again or are asked to improve deficiencies, depending on issues. Those dissatisfied with grades may follow standard departmental protocols for grade appeals. The multi-step evaluation process with involvement from advisor and committee aims to provide robust yet constructive judgment of student capstone work at OSU. The assessment is criterion-based to ensure consistency and fairness across projects and academic years.

Capstone experiences represent the pinnacle of a OSU student’s undergraduate education. The detailed grading process helps validate and recognize each student’s demonstration of expertise through a project designed, executed and presented according to expectations established within their own chosen field or discipline. Through capstones, OSU prepares graduates not just with specialized knowledge but also the higher-order skills of self-directed application to serve them in their careers and communities.


RMIT University implements a rigorous capstone project assessment process to ensure students demonstrate the full scope of their learning across their degree program. Capstone projects allow students to undertake a substantial piece of independent work related to their field of study, integrating and applying the theoretical and practical skills they have developed.

Assessment of capstone projects at RMIT involves both formative and summative components. Formatively, students receive ongoing feedback and guidance from their capstone supervisor throughout the project duration. Supervisors meet regularly with students to discuss progress, provide advice, and help them refine their project direction or approach as needed. Students are expected to demonstrate active engagement with the feedback and guidance received.

Summative assessment occurs at the project completion stage. All capstone projects under supervison undergo a formal evaluation process. Projects are assessed against a detailed marking rubric that covers criteria such as research rigor, problem-solving skills, communication ability, self-directed learning, and demonstration of disciplinary knowledge. The specific criteria and their weightings vary slightly between different schools and departments depending on the nature and requirements of each field of study.

For written projects such as research dissertations or reports, assessment involves at least two markers – the student’s capstone supervisor and another academic from their school who was not involved in supervision of the project. Both markers independently assess the project using the standard rubric and provide a numeric grade. Their grades are moderated and an agreed final grade determined. If there is a discrepancy of more than 10% between the two grades, the project is reviewed by a third assessor to determine the final grade.

For non-written projects such as designs, performances or exhibitions, slightly different assessment processes are followed. The student’s supervisor leads assessment but is joined by at least one other specialist academic in the relevant field. Multiple formative and summative assessments may occur throughout the project, with continual feedback provided to students. Professional peers or individuals from industry may also be involved in assessment panels depending on the project type and disciplinary conventions.

All students undergo an oral examination of their capstone project, regardless of whether it results in a written document. Oral examinations are conducted by a panel consisting of at least two academics, usually including the student’s supervisor. The examination assesses students’ ability to discuss, explain and defend their work, as well as respond knowledgeably to questions that probe the depth and scope of learning demonstrated throughout their degree program.

Once grading is finalised, capstone supervisors provide comprehensive feedback reports for students outlining their strengths and areas for future development. These, along with the agreed final grade, are formally recorded. Students must achieve a pass or higher in order to fulfil the requirements for their degree. While rare, failures can occur if projects fall well below standard or where academic misconduct such as plagiarism is identified. In such cases, students may be asked to re-submit or completely re-do their capstone work.

Each semester, RMIT conducts rigorous moderation of assessment practices and outcomes across all disciplines to ensure consistency, fairness and academic standards. Supervisors and examiners are regularly reviewed to maintain quality. Capstone projects play a vital role in demonstrating the proficiency of RMIT graduates. This comprehensive, multicriteria assessment process allows for robust evaluation of student learning and preparedness for professional practice.

RMIT takes a rigorous yet supportive approach to capstone project assessment that engages multiple assessors, incorporates formative and summative stages, examines work through various lenses as appropriate to different disciplines, provides detailed individualized feedback, and undergoes institution-wide moderation to assure academic quality and consistency of outcomes. The process is designed to deliver in-depth evaluation of each student’s knowledge, skills and attributes developed through their degree.


Thapar University places strong emphasis on ensuring students receive comprehensive support and guidance during their capstone projects. The capstone project is a culminating experience for students before graduating, aimed at integrating and applying their cumulative knowledge and skills. Considering the importance of the capstone project, Thapar University has established several support systems and resources to aid students.

Firstly, every student undertaking a capstone project is assigned a faculty supervisor who acts as their primary mentor and guide. The role of the faculty supervisor is multi-faceted – from helping students choose appropriate and interesting project topics to regularly reviewing their progress and providing feedback. Students can approach their supervisors any time for clarity on concepts, direction on methodology, troubleshooting issues etc. Faculty supervisors often utilize their industry contacts to help source real-world projects and data for students.

In addition to faculty supervisors, each department/school also nominates a Capstone Project Coordinator who oversees the capstone programs at the administrative level. The coordinators provide important organizational and logistical support like scheduling regular project review meetings, addressing issues around procurement of supplies/tools, arranging industry visits, and more. They monitor timelines to ensure students remain on track. Coordinators also organize interactive sessions with alumni and industry experts to provide mentorship on professional skills.

The university has established state-of-the-art laboratories, workshops and prototyping facilities to support practical and application-based capstone projects across different domains like Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Biotechnology etc. Advanced machinery, software and technical equipment valued at millions are available for student use. Regular training and orientation sessions are held to familiarize students with the tools and their applications. Dedicated technical staff is available for any hands-on guidance in the labs.

Thapar University has strategically tied-up with multiple national and global industry partners for capstone projects. Through these collaborations, challenging real-world problems are sourced for the students to brainstorm innovative solutions. Many companies also provide internship opportunities for students to work on their capstone projects within industrial R&D environments. This not only exposes students to industrial best-practices but also improves the applied and commercializable aspects of their projects.

A centralized Innovation and Incubation Centre exists on campus to promote the entrepreneurial and start-up orientation of capstone projects. Students can leverage the Centre’s networking forums, funding linkages, IPR services and other infrastructure to test creative ideas and develop working prototypes of their capstone projects. Successful innovations are highlighted through annual Innovation Expos attended by investors and industry partners.

The library hosts an exhaustive collection of technical books, reports and online databases relevant for literature survey of capstone topics. Advanced search tools and reference librarians ensure students access the most updated knowledge resources. A separate Center for Research, Innovation and Education is involved in sponsored R&D projects in collaboration with government organizations. Capstone guides and project inputs are often sourced from these engagements.

The university provides considerable funding support for capstone projects through various grants, awards and scholarships. This includes partial travel support for field visits/ primary data collection essential to applied projects. Funding is also available to offset prototype development and testing costs, especially for innovative ideas. Regular capstone presentation and report evaluation workshops help students polish their communication and documentation skills.

Thapar University ensures holistic capstone support not only through dedicated faculty but also advanced labs, industry collaborations, incubation services, knowledge resources, funding opportunities and skill development workshops. A multi-pronged approach has led to globally appreciated outcomes with many student innovations finding applications in society and industry. The strong capstone foundation and experience has empowered Thapar graduates to emerge as job-creators rather than job-seekers.


One popular type of capstone project for students in Huntington’s biology program is research-based projects where students design and conduct their own experiments investigating topics related to areas like cell biology, genetics, ecology or physiology. For example, one student investigated the effect of different light wavelengths on plant growth. She designed a controlled experiment growing the same type of plant under red, blue, green and full-spectrum LED lights, measuring factors like height, leaf and stem development over time. Her findings provided new insights into how specific light wavelengths can influence plant growth.

In the computer science department, many capstone projects involve developing software or web applications to solve real-world problems. One group created a web application for a local non-profit organization to better manage their volunteer roster and schedule shifts. The application allowed volunteers to sign up for tasks online, admins to track hours and see who was scheduled when. It streamlined their process and provided new analytics on volunteer participation. Another project involved developing a smartphone app for Huntington’s campus activities department. The app allowed students to view the schedule of upcoming campus events, get directions to event locations, and RSVP to attend. It enhanced communication and boosted attendance for campus activities.

In the exercise science program, many capstone projects take the form of original research studies. For example, one student investigated the effects of different post-workout nutrition options on muscle recovery following high-intensity interval training. She recruited volunteers from Huntington’s various athletic teams and had them follow specific nutrient plans after some intense workout sessions. Through metabolic analysis of muscle glycogen replenishment and questionnaires on soreness levels, she was able to determine which nutrients most effectively aided recovery. Her findings provided practical implications for athletes and trainers on optimizing recovery.

The nursing program encourages capstone projects that address real issues and needs within the local healthcare system. One group identified a gap in continuity of care for Alzheimer’s patients transitioning between facilities. They partnered with an area memory care facility and hospital to develop an electronic patient record system allowing smooth sharing of health details between locations. The tool reduced errors and stress on patients and families during transfers of care. Another nursing student conducted a community health needs assessment for Huntington’s local school corporation. Through surveys of students, families and teachers, they identified mental health and lack of nutrition education as primary concerns. Their report informed new wellness programs introduced at area schools.

The communication studies department often involves capstone projects that utilize student skills in public relations, advertising, journalism or film production. For example, one group developed a marketing campaign to increase tourism at a local state park that was facing declining visitor numbers. Their strategic campaign included promotional videos, print ads, social media content, and on-site activities they helped coordinate. Comprehensive analysis found their efforts directly contributed to a measurable increase in park visits over one summer. In another project, a student produced and directed a short documentary film profiling meaningful community organizations and volunteers in Huntington that have helped advance local welfare. The film aired on local access TV and helped spread awareness of their good work.

As these examples illustrate, capstone projects at Huntington University provide rich, hands-on experiences for students to conduct original research, develop solutions to practical problems, or generate other scholarly works that allow them to apply their classroom learning to real-world challenges. By designing their own distinctive capstone projects, students gain valuable skills in critical thinking, project management, communication and more that prepare them for workplace or graduate study success. The diversity of project types and partners with local businesses and organizations also demonstrates the commitment of Huntington students and faculty to enriching their surrounding community through engaged scholarship.


The University of Calgary utilizes a rigorous capstone project evaluation process to assess student learning outcomes and ensure quality of academic work. Capstone projects allow students to demonstrate synthesis and application of their entire program of study in a real-world oriented project. Given the significance of the capstone experience, the university emphasizes a comprehensive evaluation approach.

Each faculty or department that includes a capstone project component has developed a dedicated capstone course with clear learning objectives and evaluation criteria. Instructors for these courses are typically faculty members with expertise in the discipline and experience supervising complex student projects. The specific evaluation approach may vary slightly between programs but always incorporates multiple assessment aspects.

A key part of evaluation is the project proposal. Early in the capstone course, students must submit a detailed proposal outlining their project idea, objectives, methods, expected outcomes or deliverables, timeline, and any other required components. Instructors provide feedback to help shape and refine the proposal before students begin substantive work. Proposals are assessed based on the clarity and feasibility of the project scope as well as demonstration that it aligns with course and program learning goals. Only fully developed proposals are approved to move forward.

Throughout the capstone work period, instructors conduct regular check-ins with each student to monitor progress, discuss any issues or roadblocks, and ensure projects stay on track. Students must submit interim written updates documenting developments and addressing any feedback received previously. Instructors use these updates, in conjunction with in-person meetings, to continuously evaluate whether projects are progressing according to the approved proposal and determine if any revisions are needed.

The quality of the final capstone product or deliverable is a major factor in the overall evaluation. Products take varied forms depending on the discipline, such as technical reports, research papers, needs assessments, designs/prototypes, databases, etc. Instructors assess final products using rubrics that consider parameters including organization, quality of content, adherence to standards, innovation, and demonstration of learning at an advanced level. Products undergoing external review receive additional scrutiny. Feedback is provided to help students improve competencies.

In addition to project proposals and deliverables, evaluation incorporates various other components. An oral presentation showcasing the capstone work to instructors and other stakeholders allows for questioning and demonstration of presentation skills. Self-assessment and reflection assignments measure students’ ability to self-critique and recognize the value of the experience. Peer reviews have students evaluate colleagues’ work to develop feedback abilities.

The capstone course grade is calculated using a predetermined weighting of the various assessment pieces. Instructors consider the rubric/evaluation results from all components and may make adjustments to the initial algorithmic grade based on a more holistic understanding of each student’s performance and learning over the full capstone period. Capstone work deemed exceptionally strong could merit special recognition.

To maintain high academic standards, the University of Calgary regularly reviews capstone courses and programs. Feedback from external reviewers, students, alumni and employers informs ongoing improvements. When fully implemented, the robust evaluation process ensures capstone projects achieve their purpose of allowing students to apply comprehensive knowledge at an advanced level, thereby certifying qualified graduates ready for professional or research roles. The rigorous approach aligns with the university’s commitment to excellence in teaching and learning.

Through a comprehensive evaluation system leveraging multiple aligned assessments, the University of Calgary is able to appropriately gauge student performance in capstone experiences and confirm demonstrated attainment of high-level program outcomes. The detailed approach also supports continuous enhancement of capstone project design and instruction to maintain relevance and quality.