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Design Science Research (DSR): DSR is a methodology focused on building and evaluating IT artifacts to solve identified organizational problems. It is commonly used in engineering, computer science, and information systems capstones. In DSR, students first identify and define a problem domain based on literature reviews and interviews. They then create an artifact like a software application, business process model, or algorithm. The artifact is rigorously evaluated and refined through iterative cycles of development, evaluation, and feedback. Students demonstrate how the artifact improves upon existing solutions in the problem domain.

Case Study: The case study methodology involves an in-depth exploration and analysis of a specific real-world event, process, organization, person, or other phenomenon of interest. Students select an organization or case to study, collect qualitative and quantitative data through methods like document analysis, surveys, interviews, and direct observation. The data is then rigorously analyzed using techniques like coding, matrices, and process tracing. Students identify key themes, develop evidenced conclusions, and make recommendations informed by the case analysis. Case studies are often used in business, public policy, and social science capstones.

Experimental Research: Experimental research involves the manipulation of an independent variable and observation of its effect on a dependent variable within a controlled environment. Students formulate hypotheses based on theories, conduct literature reviews, and develop a research design involving manipulated variables and control groups. Human subjects or analog systems are then exposed to different conditions of the independent variable. Dependent variables are measured and results statistically analyzed. Experimental research is common in science, technology, engineering and mathematics capstones to test causal relationships and advance scientific knowledge.

Systems Analysis: Systems analysis involves understanding a system as a complex whole comprised of interconnected and interdependent subsystems. Students identify the components, relationships, environment, and boundaries of the overall system through problem definition, data collection, process mapping, and model building. Both qualitative and quantitative techniques are used to analyze how well the system is currently functioning and identify areas for improvement. Recommendations target optimization or redesign of system processes, information flows, tasks, and technologies based on performance criteria. Systems analysis is frequently employed in engineering, computer science and business administration capstones.

Design Thinking: Design thinking provides a human-centered, solutions-focused approach to problem-solving through empathy, ideation, rapid prototyping and testing. Students start by deeply understanding user needs through immersive research techniques like ethnographic field studies and interviews. They then synthesize findings to define the design challenge and identify insights. Ideas are rapidly generated, refined and translated into rough prototypes which are evaluated through user testing. Prototypes undergo iterative improvement based on feedback until a final optimal design is determined. Design thinking is used in product design, IT, healthcare and public policy capstones to develop innovative solutions to complex problems.

Program Evaluation: Program evaluation assesses the design, implementation, and outcomes of intervention programs, policies or initiatives. Students work with a client organization to clarify the intended goals, theory of change and target populations/stakeholders of a given program. Mixed methods are used to collect data on program operations, quality, reach and early signs of impact or results. Students then analyze, interpret and synthesize findings to make judgments about program effectiveness, efficiency, relevance and sustainability. Recommendations target ways to improve program performance, demonstrate impacts or inform future efforts. Program evaluation is utilized in community development, education and social sciences capstones.

Action Research: Action research embedded students directly into an organization to collaboratively solve problems through iterative cycles of planning, action and fact-finding about the results of actions. Students work closely with organizational stakeholders to identify priorities and feasible areas for improvement projects. Simple interventions are planned and implemented on a small scale, followed by systematic collection of both qualitative and quantitative data to analyze what happened as a result. Findings are reflected upon to inform the next cycle of planning, action and data gathering until satisfactory solutions emerge. Action research reinforces academic learning through authentic collaboration with industry to address real organizational issues faced across many disciplines.

This covers some of the most widely-used methodologies seen in capstone projects across disciplines, with details about the defining characteristics, processes and purpose of each approach. All of these methodologies rigorously apply research-backed techniques to investigate phenomena and address practical problems through evidence-based solutions. Students benefit from gaining applied experience with these industry-standard methods for tackling complex challenges through disciplined inquiry.


Nursing capstone projects allow nursing students to demonstrate their knowledge and skills attained throughout their nursing program. These projects involve conducting an original nursing research study on a topic of relevance to nursing practice, education, administration or theory. There are a variety of research methods that can be utilized in nursing capstone projects, with the appropriate method depending on the nature and purpose of the research study. Some of the most common research methods used include:

Quantitative Research Methods:

Descriptive research designs: These aim to objectively describe phenomena through collecting numerical data. They do not involve manipulating variables. Common descriptive designs include survey research, observational studies, case studies, and record reviews. Survey research involving questionnaires or structured interviews is very common in nursing capstone projects to collect data on topics such as patient/staff experiences, attitudes, beliefs and behaviors.

Correlational research designs: These aim to discover relationships between variables through statistical analysis without manipulating variables. They may examine how two variables such as patient characteristics and health outcomes are related. Correlation does not imply causation.

Experimental research designs: These aim to determine cause-and-effect relationships through manipulating an independent variable and measuring its effect on a dependent variable. Randomized controlled trials and non-randomized control group pre-test/post-test designs are examples. Experimental designs are less common in capstone projects due to ethical and feasibility issues related to intentionally manipulating patient care.

Statistical analysis: Quantitative data collected through descriptive, correlational or experimental designs is typically analyzed through descriptive and inferential statistical tests using software like SPSS. Common analytic strategies include frequencies, measures of central tendency, hypothesis testing through t-tests, ANOVA, chi-square, correlation, and regression.

Qualitative Research Methods:

Phenomenological research: Aims to describe the essence of a lived experience around a phenomenon for several individuals. Often involves in-depth interviews to collect detailed descriptions which are then analyzed for themes. Focuses on understanding subjective experience rather than objective measurement.

Grounded theory research: Focuses on building theory through constant comparative analysis of qualitative data as it relates to categories and their properties. The goal is to generate a conceptual framework or theory to explain processes related to the topic. Data collection may involve interviews and observations coded and analyzed for emerging categories.

Ethnographic research: Focuses on understanding cultural behaviors, beliefs and interactions of a whole group who share some common trait, typically studied through extensive fieldwork over time using observation, interviewing and immersion. Less common in capstone due to time and resource demands.

Narrative research: Aims to explore life experiences through stories told by individuals in interviews or documents. Data analysis involves restorying the narrative to investigate the meaning individuals ascribe to their experience. Stories are interpreted for the researcher’s understanding rather than presenting an objective facts.

Content analysis: A research method for analyzing textual data through objective coding and categorizing patterns or themes within the content. Can be used to systematically evaluate written, electronic or visual communication data. Both qualitative and quantitative content analysis approaches exist.

Mixed Methods Research:

Convergent parallel mixed methods design: Collects quantitative and qualitative data simultaneously, analyzes separately, then mixes by comparing and contrasting results. Allows for a more comprehensive understanding through triangulation of findings.

Explanatory sequential mixed methods design: Collects quantitative data first, analyzes, then builds on results with in-depth qualitative follow up to help explain initial results. Gives voice to numeric outcomes.

Embedded mixed methods design: Collects both types of data within a predominant quantitative or qualitative design. Quantitative data used to support qualitative themes or vice versa for completeness.

Multi-phase mixed methods design: Involves collecting multiple forms of data using different designs over an extended timeframe in distinct phases, such as pilot and intervention/outcome testing.

To summarise, nursing students have a variety of robust research approaches and analytical techniques available to conduct rigorous nursing capstone research projects exploring topics relevant to evidence-based practice. Both quantitative and qualitative methods are commonly used, often in mixed designs, depending on the best fits with the research question, objectives, resources and intended outcomes of the study. Choosing the right method is vital for high quality nursing research.


The predictive models were evaluated using different classification and regression performance metrics depending on the type of dataset – whether it contained categorical/discrete class labels or continuous target variables. For classification problems with discrete class labels, the most commonly used metrics included accuracy, precision, recall, F1 score and AUC-ROC.

Accuracy is the proportion of true predictions (both true positives and true negatives) out of the total number of cases evaluated. It provides an overall view of how well the model predicts the class. It does not provide insights into errors and can be misleading if the classes are imbalanced.

Precision calculates the number of correct positive predictions made by the model out of all the positive predictions. It tells us what proportion of positive predictions were actually correct. A high precision relates to a low false positive rate, which is important for some applications.

Recall calculates the number of correct positive predictions made by the model out of all the actual positive cases in the dataset. It indicates what proportion of actual positive cases were predicted correctly as positive by the model. A model with high recall has a low false negative rate.

The F1 score is the harmonic mean of precision and recall, and provides an overall view of accuracy by considering both precision and recall. It reaches its best value at 1 and worst at 0.

AUC-ROC calculates the entire area under the Receiver Operating Characteristic curve, which plots the true positive rate against the false positive rate at various threshold settings. The higher the AUC, the better the model is at distinguishing between classes. An AUC of 0.5 represents a random classifier.

For regression problems with continuous target variables, the main metrics used were Mean Absolute Error (MAE), Mean Squared Error (MSE) and R-squared.

MAE is the mean of the absolute values of the errors – the differences between the actual and predicted values. It measures the average magnitude of the errors in a set of predictions, without considering their direction. Lower values mean better predictions.

MSE is the mean of the squared errors, and is most frequently used due to its intuitive interpretation as an average error energy. It amplifies larger errors compared to MAE. Lower values indicate better predictions.

R-squared calculates how close the data are to the fitted regression line and is a measure of how well future outcomes are likely to be predicted by the model. Its best value is 1, indicating a perfect fit of the regression to the actual data.

These metrics were calculated for the different predictive models on designated test datasets that were held out and not used during model building or hyperparameter tuning. This approach helped evaluate how well the models would generalize to new, previously unseen data samples.

For classification models, precision, recall, F1 and AUC-ROC were the primary metrics whereas for regression tasks MAE, MSE and R-squared formed the core evaluation criteria. Accuracy was also calculated for classification but other metrics provided a more robust assessment of model performance especially when dealing with imbalanced class distributions.

The metric values were tracked and compared across different predictive algorithms, model architectures, hyperparameters and preprocessing/feature engineering techniques to help identify the best performing combinations. Benchmark metric thresholds were also established based on domain expertise and prior literature to determine whether a given model’s predictive capabilities could be considered satisfactory or required further refinement.

Ensembling and stacking approaches that combined the outputs of different base models were also experimented with to achieve further boosts in predictive performance. The same evaluation metrics on holdout test sets helped compare the performance of ensembles versus single best models.

This rigorous and standardized process of model building, validation and evaluation on independent datasets helped ensure the predictive models achieved good real-world generalization capability and avoided issues like overfitting to the training data. The experimentally identified best models could then be deployed with confidence on new incoming real-world data samples.


Nursing capstone projects allow students to demonstrate their mastery of nursing knowledge and clinical skills by conducting an independent research project on a topic of relevance to the nursing profession. There are several research methodologies commonly used in nursing capstone projects.

A very common methodology is conducting a literature review. For a literature review, the student will identify a specific topic or issue within nursing and comprehensively review the existing published literature on that subject. This can involve evaluating and synthesizing dozens of research studies, journal articles, papers and other sources. Through a literature review, a student can explore what is already known on a topic, identify gaps in knowledge, emerging issues and determine recommendations for future areas of study. Literature reviews allow students to thoroughly analyze a topic without direct data collection.

Surveys are also frequently used in nursing capstone projects. A student will design a questionnaire or structured interview schedule to collect original data by surveying nurses, patients, caregivers or other relevant groups. Surveys are useful for gathering demographic information, opinions, experiences, behaviors, needs assessments and more. Students must clearly define a target population, determine an appropriate sample size, develop survey items and format, administer the survey in an ethical way, analyze the results and draw conclusions. Surveys can provide insights into perceptions and trends across a population.

Another common methodology is a pilot study, which involves implementing a small-scale preliminary study to test aspects of a proposed research design and methodology. For example, a student may pilot test a new patient education program, screening tool, clinical protocol or other innovative approach. Through a pilot study, they can evaluate feasibility, identify challenges or unintended outcomes, collect preliminary data and determine if a full-scale study is warranted. Pilot studies help refine a research idea before large-scale implementation and investment of resources.

Qualitative methodologies, which rely on observational techniques instead of numeric data, are also popular choices. Common options include focus groups, interviews and case studies. For instance, a student may conduct focus groups to explore patient experiences during care transitions or conduct one-on-one interviews to understand nurses’ views on self-care practices. These techniques generate rich narrative data useful for illuminating perspectives, generating hypotheses or contextualizing quantitative results. Case studies, which involve in-depth analysis of one or more exemplar cases, can highlight best practices.

Secondary data analysis is another methodology where students analyze existing data sets from sources such as large health surveys, electronic health records or national databases. Using statistical techniques, they may evaluate relationships between clinical variables, compare outcomes across populations or investigate trends over time. While they did not directly collect the raw data, secondary analysis allows exploration of valuable information sources.

Some students also conduct original quantitative research through observational or experimental studies. Observational studies examine relationships by measuring exposures, characteristics and outcomes without direct manipulation—for example, a correlational study of nurse staffing levels and patient satisfaction scores. Experimental designs directly manipulate variables and assign subjects randomly to control and intervention groups to test causal hypotheses—such as a randomized controlled trial testing the impact of a nursing intervention on patient morbidity. This ‘gold standard’ approach provides the strongest evidence but requires greater resources.

Nursing capstone projects employ a wide array of research methodologies commonly used in the healthcare field such as literature reviews, surveys, pilot studies, qualitative approaches, secondary data analysis and quantitative research designs. Students must select the design and methods strategically aligned with their research question, objectives, scope, population, available resources and intended implications. A solid methodology is key to conducting high-quality nursing research and knowledge generation through capstone projects.


Many European countries have seen success in recent years by promoting vaccine education and transparency around the risks and benefits of vaccines. In Italy for example, after a big measles outbreak in 2017, the government conducted a widespread information campaign to reassure citizens about vaccine safety. They provided transparent data on adverse events, while also educating the public that the risks of vaccine-preventable diseases far outweigh any vaccine side effects. Numerous public health officials and pediatricians appeared on television and at town hall events to answer any questions from parents. As a result of these educational efforts, Italy saw vaccination rates rise from below 90% up to over 95% for mandatory vaccines like measles.

In the UK, the National Health Service implemented community-based healthcare initiatives alongside traditional mass media campaigns. They recruited local pediatricians, GPs, pharmacists, and nurses to personally speak with patients in their communities about individual vaccine concerns. This helped address hesitancy as citizens received credible information from familiar faces in their neighborhoods they already trusted. Follow up studies found that vaccine-hesitant individuals reported feeling much more confident in vaccines after these one-on-one conversations compared to just seeing mass media campaigns. As a result of these grassroots efforts complementing national initiatives, the UK reversed a downward trend in MMR vaccine uptake and achieved over 90% coverage.

Several European countries have found success by framing vaccination as a social and civic duty rather than just an individual health choice. In the Netherlands, campaigns emphasized that by vaccinating your own child you are protecting newborns, the elderly, and the immunocompromised who cannot get certain vaccines themselves. This message of vaccines benefiting community immunity resonated with citizens and helped the country surpass a 95% coverage rate that is considered sufficient to provide herd protection. Similarly, Germany launched a media initiative called “I protect myself and others” that stressed vaccination helps keep vulnerable populations safe. By reframing vaccines as a social responsibility, it persuaded more parents to get their children vaccinated.

Another effective strategy used in Australia involved improving access to vaccines through programs like “Vaccination Reminder Systems.” Under this approach, systems were setup to automatically remind parents when their child was due for their next routine vaccine. Families would receive text messages, emails, or recall letters prompting them to schedule an appointment with their pediatrician. Studies showed reminder systems significantly increased vaccination rates, as many parents simply needed a nudge to stay on track with recommended schedules. Australia paired these reminder programs with educational resources explaining vaccines are equally as important as other well-child visits. Their high vaccination rates over 95% are partly credited to making vaccines significantly more convenient to receive.

Mandatory vaccine policies instituted in various countries have demonstrated success at raising vaccination coverage as well. For example, Italy removed the option to register as “philosophically opposed” to vaccines in 2017. Now all children must follow recommended vaccination schedules to enroll in school. Similar mandatory policies exist across much of Europe, and numerous studies worldwide have shown they boost population immunity compared to purely voluntary programs. Some scholars contend mandatory policies could further polarize vaccine-hesitant groups and promote anti-vaccine sentiments instead of changing minds. So additional educational programs are still important to accompany strict legally mandated measures.

No single strategy is sufficient, but the most successful international programs to combat vaccine hesitancy have included a comprehensive multi-pronged approach. This involves improving access and convenience of vaccination alongside transparent and fact-based public education initiatives through grassroots and mass media channels, while also framing immunization as a shared community responsibility. More evaluation research is still needed on the long-term impacts of different policies, as vaccine hesitancy remains an ongoing challenge globally requiring innovative evidence-based solutions. The strategies shown effective abroad provide examples for how countries might adopt complementary policy and programmatic efforts tailored to their unique populations.