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Developing a website for a non-profit organization as a capstone project is a very worthwhile endeavor. Non-profits do important work but often have limited resources, so creating a professional website can help them better serve their mission. Here are the key steps to take when developing a non-profit website for a capstone project:

The first step is to research the non-profit organization extensively. Learn everything you can about their mission, programs, services offered, leadership team, financial information like annual reports, successes and impact made so far. Understand the key messages and branding elements they want to convey through the website. Schedule interviews with the executive director, board members and program managers to get their input. Research competitor nonprofit sites to understand best practices and what your site should include to stand out.

With research complete, outline the key goals and objectives for the website. What do you want site visitors to be able to do? Learn about the cause, get involved through volunteering or donating, sign up for email updates, apply for services if applicable. Determine the target audience for the site – is it donors, volunteers, partners, beneficiaries? Tailor the content and design accordingly.

Develop a detailed site map that lists all the proposed pages and how they will be linked together. Key pages may include a homepage, about us, programs, get involved, donate, blog, contact. Determine any additional needed pages specific to their mission. From the site map, create comprehensive content outlines for each page detailing what information and any multimedia will be included.

The site architecture and technical requirements need to be established. Decide on the content management system (CMS) platform to use like WordPress. Register the custom domain name if needed. Choose between a responsive design or separate mobile site. Decide on features like forms, payments, calendars, mappings. Backup/security needs assessment. These factors shape the development scope of work.

With the outlines and site map approved, begin designing visual concepts for the layout, color scheme, fonts and overall look and feel. Develop prototypes of key pages for feedback before finalizing the visual design. The branding should come through clearly while optimizing for usability and readability. Accessibility standards must be met for all users. User testing helps identify any issues early.

Populate the CMS with all the website content according to the outlines. Carefully write, format and structure all content for maximum clarity, impact and search optimization. Curate inspiring photography, images and multimedia assets to engage visitors. Thoroughly test all functionality like the forms, payments and integrated features to ensure everything works seamlessly.

Once built, continue user and stakeholder testing to identify any needed improvements before launch. Develop a marketing strategy and promotions plan to announce the site and drive traffic. Consider search engine optimization best practices to increase organic reach. Provide training materials and guides to internal staff on updating content independently.

After launch, continually monitor site metrics and user behavior with Google Analytics. Iterate on enhancements based on data and feedback. As the non-profit’s work and priorities evolve overtime, be prepared to modify and expand the site accordingly through additional phases. Ongoing maintenance and content updates are important for keeping the nonprofit website fresh, valuable and accurately reflecting their activities.

By following this comprehensive process and leveraging design thinking principles, the result will be an elegant, engaging and high-functioning website that perfectly matches the nonprofit’s specific needs and mission. They will have a powerful new digital asset to achieve their important goals for many years. Completing such an impactful capstone project brings valuable real-world experience and fully demonstrates your technical skills, project management abilities and dedication to social causes – all of which will certainly help stand out to future employers or graduate programs.


Website development and mobile app development are both forms of software development, but there are some key differences between the two in terms of the process, technologies used, platforms targeted, and how users will interact with the end product.

A website development project involves building a website that will run in a browser on desktop and laptop computers. Websites are responsive these days and can adapt to different screen sizes like tablets, but the primary target is desktop/laptop browsing. Websites are accessed by entering a URL (domain name like www.example.com) in the browser address bar. The core technologies used in website development are HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for the front-end, with a back-end framework like PHP, Ruby on Rails, ASP.NET, Node.js, etc. to power dynamic functionality and database integration. Websites are not tied to any specific operating system and can be accessed from Windows, Mac, or Linux devices via a compatible browser.

A mobile app development project, on the other hand, aims to build a software application that will run natively on mobile platforms like Android or iOS. Mobile apps are downloaded from app stores like Google Play or the Apple App Store and installed onto a user’s phone or tablet. While mobile-responsive websites can deliver content to smaller screens, native mobile apps are tailor-made specifically for the constraints and advantages of those platforms and devices. The technologies used are different as well – for Android it involves Java/Kotlin and Android SDK tools, while iOS apps are built with Xcode and Swift/Objective-C along with Apple frameworks and APIs.

Some key differences between website and mobile app development:

Platforms targeted: Websites target browsers across desktop/laptop computers, while apps target specific mobile OS platforms like Android or iOS.

User experience: Apps are downloaded and feel like dedicated programs on the home screen, while websites require an internet connection and are accessed through the browser. Apps tend to feel snappier and more app-like.

Features: Apps have access to more device features like camera, GPS, notifications, etc. due to deeper platform integration. Websites have basic HTML/CSS/JS capabilities within the browser sandbox.

Technology stack: Websites use HTML/CSS/JS for front-end and a back-end framework, while apps utilize native mobile SDKs, languages, and platforms tailored to each OS.

Distribution and updates: Apps are distributed through centralized app stores and have defined update mechanisms, whereas websites have no centralized distribution and must be updated manually by surfing to the site or restarting the browser.

Development process: App development generally requires deeper platform-specific integrations, SDKs, coding in native languages like Java/Kotlin or Swift/Objective-C, testing on real devices. Websites can be developed primarily on any OS using simple web dev tools.

Monetization: Apps have access to app stores’ in-app purchase systems and paid app models, while websites rely on advertising, subscriptions, or ecommerce.

Discovery: Apps are subject to app store placement, search, trends, categories etc. Websites rely on organic search, social sharing, links from other sites for discovery.

Memory/storage footprint: Apps require installation which uses device storage, while websites have no persistent memory footprint beyond the browser cache.

Some projects may require both a website and mobile app to have a full-featured omni-channel presence across desktop and mobile devices. The development processes require expertise in different technologies, and a hybrid approach combining web views/responsive design with some native features may be preferable to full native mobile apps for lighter use cases. Proper planning and understanding the differences in target platforms, experiences, features, and costs is important in deciding whether to develop a website, mobile app, or both. Stakeholder requirements along with available time and budget will determine the best solution.

While both website and mobile app development are forms of software development, they differ significantly in terms of target platforms, features, development process, Technologies used, user experience, distribution models, monetization approaches, and how users will interact with the final product. Careful consideration of the business needs, target audiences and their context of use will determine which approach or combination of approaches is most suitable for any given project.


Community Aid is a non-profit organization that provides assistance to homeless and low-income individuals and families in Houston, Texas. Prior to launching their new website in 2021, Community Aid relied primarily on physical donation centers, word-of-mouth, and printed materials to inform the local community about their services and ways to donate or volunteer. While these offline methods worked to some degree, the organization struggled with limited donations, an over-reliance on a small number of regular volunteers, and difficulties conveying the full scope of their programs to potential supporters.

Recognizing the need to better utilize digital tools to raise awareness and engagement, Community Aid invested in the development of a professionally designed content-rich website. The new site went live in June 2021 and immediately started having a major positive impact on the organization’s key operational areas. Perhaps most significantly, online donations saw a dramatic increase. The simple online donation forms made it extremely easy for community members and donors outside the local area to contribute financially with just a few clicks. Text and videos explaining Community Aid’s mission and how donations would directly aid those in need resonated strongly. Within the first month, online donations were up 250% compared to the previous year.

This influx of funds allowed Community Aid to meaningfully expand several of their core programs that directly help those experiencing homelessness or poverty. The organization was able to hire additional part-time case managers to take on more client cases and provide more intensive one-on-one support. They also bought a used van that allowed outreach workers to pick up and deliver food and supplies to clients who had limited mobility. This transportation assistance saved vulnerable community members time and stress. With extra funding, the food pantry significantly increased the quantities and varieties of staple grocery items as well as prepared meals. Clients reported the expanded options better met their nutritional needs.

Another major victory was the website’s positive impact on volunteer recruitment and management. Detailed program descriptions, real client testimonials, and highlighted volunteer opportunities spurred a massive increase in volunteers signing up through the online portal. Within 6 months, the regular volunteer pool grew by 350%. This allowed Community Aid to add more shifts at donation centers and food distributions. It also enabled the launch of a new book and clothing resale shop, which provided job skills training to clients while raising additional unrestricted funding. Tracking volunteers via the online dashboard made shift scheduling, communication and recognition vastly more efficient as well. Volunteer satisfaction and retention remained high due to an enhanced experience.

In addition to financial and human resources growth, the website gave Community Aid improved tracking and assessment capabilities. Google Analytics provided in-depth insights into visitor demographics, top content pages, referral sources and geography that had previously been unknown. This data-driven approach allowed Community Aid to refine their digital marketing strategies and ensure resources went towards their highest-potential opportunities. Online donation and volunteer forms integrated with the organization’s CRM, which streamlined record-keeping and reporting. Outcome measurement was also strengthened as more detailed client intake and progress data could now be captured digitally.

After only one year since launch, it is clear Community Aid’s user-friendly, content-rich website has completely transformed their operations. Not only did it raise necessary funds that powered program expansion help more Houstonians in need, it brought in a surge of volunteer support and improved the organization’s strategic decision making. Leadership reflects the new site has been pivotal in establishing Community Aid as aDigitally, Community Aid has proven that non-profits can greatly benefit from investing in an online presence that effectively engages supporters and maximizes organizational impact.


The bike rental business would need a database to store important information like bike inventory details, rental orders from customers, customer accounts, payment information, and more. A relational database management system (RDBMS) like Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, or PostgreSQL would be well-suited for this as it allows the storage and retrieval of data from multiple tables that are related to each other.

The business would first need to design the database schema by identifying the key entities or tables needed like Bikes, Customers, Orders, etc. The Bikes table would contain attributes like bike_id, model, size, color, quantity available etc. The Customers table would contain attributes like customer_id, name, email, phone, payment information etc. The Orders table would link a customer to specific bikes in an order with attributes like order_id, customer_id, bike_ids, date, status etc.

Additional lookup tables may also be needed – for example, a BikeModels table to store allowed bike models and their details separately from inventory. This normalized data model structure allows flexibility to add new attributes easily without changing existing tables. Primary and foreign keys would be used to link tables and ensure data integrity.

Once the database schema is designed, the tables can be created in the chosen RDBMS using SQL commands. Test data can then be inserted before integrating with the frontend. Some initial stored procedures may also be created for common tasks like retrieving bikes by location, adding/removing bikes from inventory etc.

For the frontend website/app, the business would design user interfaces and pages using technologies like HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Frameworks like Angular, React or Vue could help build these interactive interfaces efficiently. Common pages may include:

Homepage showing featured bike models, rental locations and pricing plans.

Bike Inventory page listing available bikes with filters, allowing search/filter by location, size etc. Clicking a bike opens its details page.

Customer Login/Registration page to create and manage customer accounts.

Rental Checkout page to select bikes, dates and make payments.

Order History page to view past orders, print receipts.

Admin Interface for adding/editing inventory, managing orders/payments, customer support etc.

To integrate the frontend with the backend database, an application programming interface (API) would be created using a server-side language like PHP, Python or Node.js. The API endpoints would expose database operations as URL paths/endpoints that the frontend can make HTTP requests to.

For example, an “/api/bikes” endpoint could return a JSON response with available bikes data on a GET request. A “/api/customers/login” endpoint could handle user authentication. The frontend JavaScript code would make asynchronous AJAX/fetch requests to these API endpoints to retrieve and manipulate data without reloading pages.

Popular frameworks like Laravel (PHP), Django (Python) or Express (Node.js) have tools to quickly build RESTful JSON APIs for common CRUD operations on database entities. API security is crucial – HTTPS, authentication, input validation etc would need implementing.

Caching and databases views could improve performance for frequently requested data. Payment integrations via PayPal/Stripe’s APIs allows processing transactions securely. User account management – password hashing, email verification etc would follow best practices. The site would also need responsive design for mobile access.

Testing all features, security, error handling meticulously is very important before launch. Regular code versioning, updates, and monitoring usage/logs post-launch ensures high uptime and quick turnaround times for bug fixes/enhancements. Proper documentation of APIs, deployment processes streamlines future collaboration and scalability.

By using an SQL database structured with normalization best practices, building a REST API to expose it securely, and creating frontend user interfaces with modern frameworks – a full-featured, performant and robust bike rental web/mobile application integrated with the backend operational data can be developed to successfully run the business online. Regular improvements ensure a quality customer experience.